G.I. Joe Classified G.I.Joe 

ToyKennections Presents: Dive into the World of G.I. Joe Classified Leadership Figures with Ken’s In-Depth Review!

Today Ken from ToyKennections gives us a review of the G.I. Joe Classified G.I. Joe leadership figures including Duke, Sgt. Slaughter, Flint, Beachhead and Hawk, ! Check out the video below and share your thoughts with us in the comments. As always be sure to subscribe to ToyKennections channel on YouTube for all of Kenā€™s latest videos!

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TITANS 1×2 ‘Hawk and Dove’ TONIGHT!

Tonight on an all new episode of DC’s TITANS titled, ‘Hawk and Dove‘, Dick ends up on Hawk and Dawn Granger’s doorstep leading to confrontation! Check out the promo and more in this episode below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Titans airs on the DC Universe Streaming Service! Hank Hall aka Hawk and Dawn Granger aka Dove are a pair of vigilantes, hoping to get out of the superhero business after shutting down one final criminal operation. When Dick arrives at their doorstep with Rachel, looking for a safe haven for the hunted…

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'NOW YOU KNOW' With Yorktownjoe 


Background Major characters (and minor recurring characters) perished in Issue 19. Issue 20 was written by a completely different author and featured a stand-alone story. Issue 21 was the iconic Silent Interlude comic, whose story was told in pictures.This issue will bring us back to the main story plot-line. On to the issue. The cover shows Destro literally playing with toys!! He has a plane and he is strafing Joe figures. Okay, product placement is strong with this one. On the title page we see the Chaplainā€™s Assistants returning to Fort Wadsworth…

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'NOW YOU KNOW' With Yorktownjoe 


BackgroundA lot of stuff has gone down in the last few issues. Iā€™d read up on them or check out my previous reviews before proceeding. But to each their own!   On to the issue. The issue begins with a training exercise in which the Joes are attacking simulated Cobra vehicles and emplacements. In looking back on this issue, there a number of questions I have that are left unanswered. Rock ā€˜N Roll is firing a gatling gun on the RAM motorcycle while driving next to the MOBAT firing both…

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Hawk and Dove in DCā€™s Titans Revealed!

Recently we brought you the first look at the ‘Robin‘ costume in DC’s upcoming ‘Titans‘ TV series. Today we have the first look at two more characters in the show, ‘Hawk‘ and ‘Dove‘! ‘Titans‘ will premiere in 2018 as part of DCā€™s direct-to-consumer digital service. Check out more details and the images below and let us know if you will be watching AFTER THE JUMP! Titans comes from executive producers Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter. In the action-packed series, Dick Grayson emerges from the shadows to become the…

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'NOW YOU KNOW' With Yorktownjoe 


Issue 4: Operation: Wingfield This issue has a really nice cover that has nothing to do with the comic. This is not a bad thing, but the cover shows many Joes running straight forward in a V formation, charging in to save the day. And that is symbolic of what they do in this issue. That and prevent the beginning of World War III. More on that in a bit. The issue begins with the sunglass wearing visage of a man sporting a handle-bar mustache that would make 80ā€™s Milwaukee…

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'NOW YOU KNOW' With Yorktownjoe 

Now You Know with YorktownJoe – G.I.Joe Marvel Comics Issue #3 Reviewed!

  Issue 3 Review – The Trojan Gambit The 3rd issue of the original Marvel series features an updated parable of the Trojan Horse, this time with a giant Cobra battle robot. This is an interesting stand-alone issue that builds more character development and allows the reader more access into The PIT, the secret Joe base hidden underground beneath Fort Wadsworth, the fictional Chaplain’s Assistant Motor Pool post. G.I.Joe 3 Trojan Gambit – (2)Title Page The story again implies that a battle has just transpired, and the Joes are cleaning…

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Smallville’s Alan Ritchson Cast As Hawk in DC’s Titans!

In the latest casting news for DC’s upcoming Teen Titans live action show, ‘Titans‘, we learn that Smallville actor Alan Ritchson has been cast for the role of ‘Hawk‘. In addition it was also announced yesterday evening that actress Minka Kelly has been cast to play ‘Dove‘ the heroin girlfriend of ‘Hawk‘ in the ‘Titans‘ series. Check out more details on this below and let us know if you are looking forward to watching the ‘Titans‘ show AFTER THE JUMP! Ritchson will play Hawk, aka Hank Hall, one half of the crime-fighting, vigilante and romantic couple of Hawk…

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