The Flash 

David Ramsey To Reprise ‘John Diggle’ Role for 5 Arrowverse Episodes!

We have very exciting news to report for fans of Arrow and John Diggle. Deadline has reported that David Ramsey will reprise the role for 5 separate Arrowverse episodes. He will be a part of Superman & Lois, Batwoman, and The Flash. In addition he will be appearing on Legends of Tomorrow in a ‘secret’ role. Many fans speculate this may be his debut as Green Lantern. One can only hope. Are you excited to see John Diggle return to the Arrowverse? Sound off AFTER THE JUMP and let us know! David Ramsey (aka John Diggle) will be…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 17 ‘Brothers In Arms’ Promo Hits!

This was a sad week on Arrow as actress Willa Holland said her goodbye to the show. We have the new promo for next week’s episode titled, ‘Brothers Im Arms‘ which sees Diggle and Oliver both grappling to be the Green Arrow. Check out the promo below and share your thoughts on the departure of Willa Holland and on next week’s episode AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Thursday evenings at 8pm Central on The CW.  The Hollywood Reporter, “We’re very sad to see Willa go. She’s been a critical part of Arrow since its inception and…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 11 ‘We Fall’ TONIGHT!

Tonight on an all new episode of Arrow titled, ‘We Fall‘, Cayden James has Oliver right where he wants him as Team Arrow is fractured and all the baddies in Star City have teamed up to wreak havoc. Will the team get it together in time? Check out the promo for TONIGHT’s episode below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Thursday nights at 8pm Central on The CW.  WILLIAM LANDS IN CAYDEN JAMES’ CROSSHAIRS — Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) ups the ante by launching his plan to take control of…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 11 ‘We Fall’ New Promo Released’!

The CW has released the new promo for next week’s episode of Arrow titled, ‘We Fall‘! Cayden James has Oliver right where he wants him as Team Arrow is fractured and all the baddies in Star City have teamed up to wreak havoc. Will the team get it together in time? Check out the synopsis and promo below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Thursdays at 8pm! WILLIAM LANDS IN CAYDEN JAMES’ CROSSHAIRS — Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson) ups the ante by launching his plan to…

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ARROW – Mid-Season Finale ‘Irreconcilable Differences’ TONIGHT!

Tonight on the mid-season finale of ‘Arrow‘ titled, ‘Irreconcilable Differences‘,Quinton is going to regret letting Black Siren go has she is going to take him hostage to use as a pawn in Cayden James latest scheme. Check out the promo and synopsis below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. The Arrow mid-season finale airs at 8pm Central on CW. “Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is kidnaped by Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) and Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson), who are looking to trade Lance’s life for a weapon of mass…

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ARROW Season 5 Episode 20 ‘Underdeath’ Synopsis Released!

Fans both hardcore and bandwagon have been begging for ‘Arrow‘ to get back to the roots of the first couple of seasons of the show. Well complainers, here is your dream come true. Down the stretch of this season, we are going to see Katie Cassidy returning to the show in a full time capacity. We also are seeing Manu Bennett return to the show and reprise his role as ‘Deathstroke‘. Not to mention, Nyssa Al Ghul is coming back to Star City. All of these people are going to…

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ARROW Season 5 Episode 18 ‘Disbanded’ TONIGHT!

Last week on ‘Arrow‘, Oliver decided to shut down the team after his personal revelations at the hands of Promethus. Now, he wants to bring in his Bratva friends to take out Prometheus for him. Unfortunately Diggle doesn’t think this is a good idea and he and Oliver come to blows, literally! Check out the photos and promo’s for TONIGHT’s episode of ‘Arrow‘ titled, ‘Disbanded‘ and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Wednesday evening at 7pm Central on the CW.                …

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ARROW Season 5 Episode 18 ‘Disbanded’ Trailer Released!

After being put through the ringer by Prometheus, and, being reminded of all the terrible things he has done, Oliver is ready to hang it up as Green Arrow. In next week’s episode his decision to shut down the team comes to a head with a confrontation between Oliver and Diggle. Check out the the trailer for next week’s episode of Arrow titled, ‘Disbanded‘, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 7pm Central on the CW. “Diggle (David Ramsey) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are…

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ARROW Season #4 Finale ‘Schism” TONIGHT!

  Team Arrow was able to deal a crushing blow to Damien Darhk’s ‘Project Genesis‘ when they destroyed his ‘Ark’ and wrestled away control of the Earth’s nuclear Arsenal from him. But in the process Darhk’s wife was killed, and now he just wants to see the world burn. Up next is the season finale of Arrow for this year titled, ‘Schism‘, where we will most likely see Darhk taken down for good, but what cliffhangers are in store leading into season five? Tune into the CW TONIGHT at 7pm…

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ARROW Season #4 Episode #19 ‘Canary Cry’ Photos Released!

After an entire season of wondering who was in the grave that Oliver visited, we know now that it is Laurel Lance. But, as with other characters who have ‘Died’ on Arrow, is Laurel really dead? Or is this some kind of secret move between Laurel and Oliver to capture Damien Darhk and defeat him once and for all. Check out the official synopsis for the next new episode of Arrow titled, ‘Canary Cry‘, and sound off with your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow, ‘Canary Cry‘ airs on Wednesday, April…

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ARROW Season #4 Episode #16 ‘Beacon of Hope’ Photos UP!

You might say there is a lot of ‘Buzz’ surrounding this coming week’s new episode of ‘Arrow‘ titled, ‘Beacon of Hope‘. We will see the return of villain ‘Brie Larvan‘, or as some like to call her ‘The Bug Eyed Bandit‘. Also, from the promo photos released today for the episode it looks like ‘Mr Terrific‘ aka Curtis, is finally going to find out Oliver is the Arrow. Check out the photos and episode details below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow, ‘Beacon of Hope‘, airs Wednesday March…

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Tonight on ‘The Flash’ it’s ‘King Shark’!

Tonight on The Flash, King Shark escapes the custody of Argus and John Diggle visits Central City to help Team Flash with their fish problem. Check out the latest promo for tonight’s episode of ‘The Flash‘ below, then tune into the CW tonight at 7pm Central for The Flash! Join the conversation after the JUMP! “When King Shark escapes from an A.R.G.U.S. holding tank, Lila (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) and Diggle (David Ramsey) travel to Central City to warn The Flash (Grant Gustin). King Shark shows up at the…

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THE FLASH ‘Zoom’s Coming’ Extended Trailer!

There has been a lot of speculation about just who is under the ‘Zoom‘ mask on ‘The Flash‘. It looks like we may finally be getting that reveal very soon. Today we have the new extended trailer for the episode titled, ‘Zoom’s Coming‘. Check it out below,and let us know what your theories are on who is ‘Zoom‘ after the JUMP!  

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ARROW Season 4 Episode 14 Promo ‘Code of Silence’ Photos Released!

Things are soon going to be coming unraveled for the ‘nicer’ Green Arrow, now that Malcom has outed his son to Damien Darhk. In the Meantime, Oliver is still running for mayor of Star City. Today we have a gallery of promo photos for the upcoming episode of Arrow titled, ‘Code of Silence‘. Check those out below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! SECRETS AND LIES — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team uncover HIVE’s plan to take out Team Arrow once and for all. With HIVE’s next attack imminent,…

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First Photo’s from the ‘ARROW’ Mid-Season Premiere!

We only have to wait until January 20th for the second half of this season of ‘Arrow‘ to get underway. For those of us who wish that it was starting back up this week, we have the first promotional photos from the mid-season premiere! Check out all the images below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. As mentioned above Arrow returns to the CW with all new episodes on Wednesday January 20th at 7pm! “Oliver must deal with the devastating consequences of Darhk’s (guest star Neal McDonough) last attack.…

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