Transformers FansToys FT-14 Forager (MP Kickback)

Today we have a look at the new Third Party Transformers ‘FansToys TF-14 Forager’ or ‘Masterpiece Kickback‘! It seems FansToys has completed all three of the iconic Insecticons in Masterpiece Scale, and they look AMAZING! Check out the image and details on the figure below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! Forager makes three! The Masterpiece-styled evil insect robot team is finished and man alive, they look complete together. This pre-release review sample, FT-14 Forager test shot to be precise, rounds out the team of three bugs within 8…

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Transformers – Dr Wu ‘Only Human’ Autobot Human Character Figures!

Ever wanted to have the Synthoid Human characters from the original Transformers Cartoon to display on the shelf with your Transformers figures? Well now you are going to get that opportunity thanks to Third Party Transformers Dr Wu ‘Only Human’ Figurines Of Human-Form Autobot Characters! Check out these amazing figures and the details on them below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: Via Meteor Operation we have pictures of an upcoming Dr Wu product. Based on the third season G1 episode “Only Human” are four figurines depicting…

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Third Party Transformers: Mastermind Creations Reformatted Anarchus ‘DJD Kaon’!

Ever want to have a Third Party Transformer that had an alternate mode of being an electric chair? Well just in case this was something on your priority list, now Mastermind Creations can fill your needs with their new Reformated Anarchus or ‘Unofficial DJD Kaon‘ figure. Check out the specs and images for this offering below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: U.Nem Studios on Facebook has posted another early look from MMC, this time a production sample of Anarchus from the Reformatted Series’ Decepticon Justice Division-inspired lineup. Anarchus…

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Maketoys Gundog Unofficial Masterpiece Scale TRANSFORMERS ‘Hound’ New Pics!

Today we have a look at some new images for the Third Party Transformers Maketoys Gundog Unofficial Masterpiece Scale, ‘Hound‘ figure. If you collect Masterpiece Scale Transformers, you will definitely want to look into this offering. Check out the images below, and let us know your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source:

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Unique Toys Y-02 Buzzing ‘Unofficial Blurr’ In Hand Photos!

Unique Toys has cranked out another spectacular Third Party Transformers Offering with their new Y-02 Buzzing figure. This figure is based on the G1 Blurr figure, only it has been ratcheted up several notches. Check out the images below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source:

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Badcube Sunsurge Unofficial TRANSFORMERS Sunstreaker New Photos!

If you collect Third Party Transformers you are going to abolutely love the new ‘Sunsurge‘ Unofficial Sunstreaker figure that is coming from Badcube. Today we have a new photo gallery of the figure to share with you. Check out all the images below, and let us know your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: Badcube have posted on Facebook giving us a number of new photos of their upcoming release Sunsurge, their take on a Masterpiece Sunstreaker. New to this round of coverage are option chrome or silver painted spoiler…

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Transformers (MP Reflector) MTRM-07 Visualizers Review!

Masterpiece Transformers collectors are sitting at home thinking, man wouldn’t it be cool to have a masterpiece scale ‘Reflector‘ to display with my Soundwaveand Megatron? Well today we have images and video review for just that. Check out the new Third Party Transformers (MP Reflector) MTRM-07 Visualizers Figure from MakeToys. This is one figure you will definitely not want to miss out on. Check out all the details below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: TNI)

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DX9 D06 Carry Rodimus Prime-Like Figure Final Product Pics!

We showed you earlier this year, some of the production sample photos for the upcoming Third Party Transformers ‘DX9 DO6 Rodimus Prime Like figure. Today we have some of the final production photos including the packaging. Check out the details on this offering below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: DX9 has posted photos of the final production version of D06 Carry to their Weibo page! Based on Studio OX’s illustrations of Rodimus Prime, Carry is shown in package as well as in various poses, and even…

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Unofficial Transformers Masterpiece-Style Ratchet by Voodoo Robots!

If you are a fan of Autobot Ratchet, and you enjoy collecting Masterpiece scale Transformers, we have a treat for you this morning. Voodoo Robots has shown their brand new Third Party Transformers Unofficial Masterpiece-Style Ratchet, and it is FANTASTIC! Check out the images and latest info on this offering below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: On their Facebook page, Voodoo Robots has posted a few new photos showing that their Ratchet-derived figure Salus is close to being ready to head out for sale. While the images…

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MakeToys MTRM-02N GunDog Not MP Hound Figure Images!

If you are a fan of the old school Autobot character ‘Hound‘, you are going to be excited to check out the new Third Party Transformers ‘Not Masterpiece Hound’ figure coming from MakeToys. Get the skinny on the details of this offering below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! And head over to BBTS and get your pre-order in! (Source: Just in are new images and pre-orders for two different versions of the Make toys Gundog transforming action figures. The green military jeep model will please many fans with…

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Mechaform Sky Guardian ‘Not Skyfire’ Pre-Orders Open!

If you have not seen the brand new Mechaform ‘Sky Guardian‘ figure which is an homage to Transformers Generation One ‘Skyfire‘ you will definitely want to check out the images we have for this Third Party Transformers Offering Below. And, if you like what you see, you can pre-order yours today through Serpentorslair Sponsor BBTS! Join in the discussion after the JUMP! (Soure:

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X-Transbots’ MX-II Andras ‘Not-Scourge’ New Photos!

If you are looking for the ultimate Transformers, ‘Scourge‘ action figure you will definitely want to check out the new X-Transbots MX-II Andras ‘Not Scourge‘ Third Party Transformers Figure. Check out the details and images below and let us know what you think after the JUMP! (Source: X-Transbots has published numerous photos of what is probably a near-final production sample of Andras, their take on a Masterpiece-style Scourge figure. Shown in what looks like production plastic colors and possibly paint deco, the photos highlight a lot of the toy’s small…

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Third Party DX9 D06 Carry Images of ‘Not Rodimus Prime’ Figure!

I have always found it hard to enjoy a Third Party Transformers figure as much as the real thing, but when I saw DX9 Carry or ‘Not Rodimus Prime‘, i was stunned at how much I liked it. Check out the images and details on this amazing figure below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: The official DX9 face page have posted lots of new color images of their D06 Carry figure. As you may have gathered by now, this is their homage to the G1 Rodimus…

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DX9 Chiguhr Masterpiece-esque Not Astrotrain Video Review!

Today we have a look at the new Third Party Transformers, ‘DX9 Chiguhr‘ or ‘Not Masterpiece Astrotrain‘. If you would like to add a great Masterpiece scale version of Astrotrain to your home display, this is definitely a legit chance to do it. Check out the video review for the figure below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: Vangelus has posted a new review video featuring a pre-release copy of Chiguhr, DX9 Toys’ take on a jumbo-size notionally Masterpiece-compatible Astrotrain. While the review goes over the stylistic…

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ToyWorld TW 06 Evila Star ‘Not Astrotrain’ Video Review

This was a busy month for 3rd party Transformer takes on the popular Decepticon, Astrotrain. The first to be released is TW 06 Evila Star aka Astrotrain. Enjoy the video review courtesy of youtube member, Turnman Toys, Then Make the JUMP to the forum and let us know what you think of the figure! _________________

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