Tron 3 to Start Shooting this Fall!


Great news for those who are excited for the next Tron movie to hit theaters. It was announced today that Tron 3 will start filming this fall. For the latest on this checkout the news below and share your thoughts after the JUMP!


Filming for the third Tron film will begin this Fall in Vancouver, according to the website

They claim that Walt Disney Pictures has given the sequel to 2010’s Tron: Legacy a green light and filming will begin on October 5, 2015.

Garrett Hedlund (“Pan”) is expected to reprise his role as Samuel “Sam” Flynn, son of the Grid’s creator Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges). At the end of the last film, Sam and Quorra (Olivia Wilde) were able to escape that virtual reality. Sam got back to the real world and Quorra was able to experience it for the first time.



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