All New Star Trek ‘Into Darkness’ Image Gallery!


From the latest trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness, we have an extensive image gallery from the movie for your enjoyment. Check out the full Gallery of Images and share your thoughts after the JUMP!


From this new international trailer, it looks as if John Harrison has blown up a facility on the Starfleet Academy campus in London. After that it appears that Harrison attacks Starfleet Command in San Francisco while the leaders are trying to decide what to do about the bombing. Seems like Harrison really wants to get their attention and from previous stills we know that he is eventually captured…but is that part of his plan? Villains planning to get themselves captured intentionally is something that’s certainly in the movie zeitgeist at the moment. In one brief shot, it also looks like Harrison is launching an attack on Klingons but transitions to another shot very quickly so its hard to be certain. What isn’t hard to make out is the fact that Harrison apparently puts a beatdown on both Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock (Zachary Quinto). Perhaps after individual failures, they team-up in the final confrontation? All speculation for now but look to get answers when the film hits U.S. theaters on May 17th.



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