COIL Con IV Exclusives Teaser
Curious what the fella’s at Kokomo Toys and Coil Con have in store for G.I.Joe Collectors this year? Well they have given us a sneak peek at this year’s Coil Con Exclusives! Check out the info below and share your thoughts after the JUMP!
Jessie Mach, an ex-motorcycle cop injured in the line of duty was recruited in the 1980’s for a top secret government mission to ride Street Hawk, an all-terrain attack motorcycle, designed to fight urban crime. Norman Tuttle, Street Hawk’s creator and log time friend of Mach was kidnapped after the project was disbanded. Searching for his friend, Mach discovers that Tuttle was working on the next generation Street Hawk project, the SHv2 project. Mach tracks the kidnapper to India and discovers that this is the result of Coil operative, Najah Bhoot. Once again Mach must don the gear of Street Hawk in an all out effort to rescue his friend from the grip of the Coil. It’s The Coil versus The Return of Street Hawk!!
Street Hawk was a television series that aired on ABC back in the 80’s. Oddly enough, Funskool India produced a Street Hawk figure and the character has become part of International G.I.Joe Lore.
As always, a new Coil themed character will be introduced, the fearsome Naja Bhoot! Both figures will come with weapons, accessories and motorcycles, of course! To add more awesome to the mix, Roma Collectibles will be holding a raffle for a Funskool inspired counterfeit of this year’s Coil figure, aptly named Naja Bhoot-leg! This is going to be a set you won’t want to miss out on, so make sure you find your way to Coil Con this Saturday, August 24th!