DC Universe Releases Titans Character Teasers!

The all new DC Universe Streaming Service has released new teaser clips to introduce you to all the main characters on the upcoming ‘Titans‘ live action series! Check out the clips below and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMPTitans will premiere on October 12 on DC Universe.

Titans follows a group of young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise. Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, a special young girl possessed by a strange darkness, get embroiled in a conspiracy that could bring Hell on Earth. Joining them along the way are the hot-headed Starfire and loveable Beast Boy. Together they become a surrogate family and team of heroes.

Titans Stars Brenton Thwaites (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales) as Dick Grayson/Robin, Teagan Croft (Home and Away) as Raven, Anna Diop (24: Legacy) as Koriandā€™r/Starfire, Alan Ritchson (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) & Minka Kelly (Friday Night Lights) as Hawk and Dove, Bruno Bichir as Dr. Niles Caulder, and Lindsey Gort as Police Detective Amy Rohrbach.


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