Get the Skinny on Mad Max Fury Road!
Today we have another great Movie review for you, courtesy of Serpentorslair Staffer Skinny or @skinnyjoefan. Check out his thoughts on, ‘Mad Max Fury Road‘ below, then make the JUMP to the forums and share your thoughts!
Very smart.
Probably one of the most anticipated movies this summer was Fury Road.
Action? In spades.
Nah who needs a plot.
This is eye candy and lots of it. One action sequence and character developing moment after another.
Uh did I say character developing? Whoops sorry about that, not a whole lot of that going on.
When things get rolling, literally, we are treated to a never ending pastiche of vehicles. It is as if Motor Trend did an expose on post apocalyptic vehicles. Each vehicle is a character in and of itself. and not surprisingly, has a driver to match it.
Soundtrack? Yup we have a vehicle for that too. Just like in the old days of war where you brought your fife and drum corps along, Mad Max has a rolling music section.
A great journey movie with a lot of armrest gripping. I think I left my finger impressions in the arm rest of my seat.
A great cast too.
They all played their parts beautifully. When I went to IMDB and found out who some of the cast were, I had no idea.
Now back to my smart comment. Instead of re-making Road Warrior or Thunderdome, we get a new story, a different chapter in Max’s life. Speaking of Max, while he has a ton of screen time and is a main character, he is not the main character.
Imperator Fury is the real leading role in this tale. She takes the power and the lead in almost every situation. Tough, strong, a product of this world, she seeks hope and redemption.
Sadly a few characters are not developed very well as they are introduced only to be killed later. That is probably the only drawback to this story. However cannon fodder is needed in these stories.
Speaking of cannon fodder, The War Boys are wonderful cannon fodder. When I first saw them I scoffed, but they are used brilliantly in the film and each has their own little part.
The majority of the movie was done with practical effects and it shows that despite the expense, practical effects add real production value. In fact there is a very glaring moment where you know it is CGI and it seems completely out of place.
Saw this in 2D, and it is intriguing enough that I might see it in 3D.
The colors were also switched back and forth quite a bit depending on the mood of the scene. That was a nice touch and not overdone.
it was intense, and gave you very few chances to slow your heart rate. It pushed a mild message, but what movie does not these days?
If you need some eye candy and want to go ooh and ahh at characters and vehicles for exactly 2 hours. Go for it.