Hasbro Cinematic Universe is a ‘No Go’?

After Hasbro making a big splash announcing the creation of their own version of the MCU, it looks like the entire idea has been scrapped. There will be no ‘shared universe’ with Mask and G.I.Joe and ROM. And with Hasbro not having their own ‘Hascon‘ this year, it leaves fans wondering just what is in store for their favorite ‘Real American Hero’s’. As of now the upcoming G.I.Joe ‘Reboot’ film is slated for March 27, 2020. Check out what the folks from the Hasbro writers room had to say below and sound off with your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP

Fans were excited a couple of years back when word broke about a writers room being assembled for Hasbro’s planned shared cinematic universe which would include properties like G.I. Joe, Micronauts, M.A.S.K., and Rom: Spaceknight. The group included Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon, Eisner Award winner Brian K. Vaughan, Oscar-winner Akiva Goldsman, and several other in-demand Hollywood screenwriters. That included John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, who in a recent chat with IGN talked about what that writers room experience was like — and how they don’t think the movie versions of M.A.S.K. and Rom are going to happen.

“Those are probably not likely to see the light of day, unless theyā€™re moving on separate from us,” said Goldstein. “Itā€™s a funny thing. We spent three weeks in a room with a lot of talented writers. We broke 11 or so movies and, I donā€™t know. It just kind of went into the vortex. Thereā€™s been some leadership changes at Paramount, so itā€™s hard to say. Nobodyā€™s contacted us about those.”

Daley and Goldstein said that even though those projects are unlikely to happen, the experience allowed for them to meet some very influential and talented writers, some of whom they’re still friends with.

“It was fun,” said Daley. “It was a fun challenge to take these properties that were so barebones in any kind of a narrative and create a movie around them. You know, these little cheap, plastic things, and to give them a backstory was an exciting challenge.”

Source: IGN


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