Icon Heroes Star Trek Captain Kirk Statue Bookend!


Star Trek fans get ready to be excited for the brand new Captain Kirk Bookend statue coming from Icon Hero’s! Now Kirk can protect all your valuable reading materials from falling of the end of the shelf! Get the details on this offering below, and let us know what you think after the JUMP!

(Source: toyark)

Yesterday was the 49th anniversary of the debut for Star Trek the original series. Previews is ready to celebrate, and has sent along a press release for their new exclusive Icon Heroes Star Trek Captain Kirk Statue Bookend. Hereā€™s the info:

Trek Out Your Workspace With a Captain Kirk Statue Bookend!

(BALTIMORE, MD) ā€“ (September 8, 2015)- Captain James Tiberius Kirk, known throughout the galaxy for his fearless leadership and stunning good looks, can run a well-organized ship, and now he can keep your books organized with a PREVIEWS exclusive Captain Kirk bookend by Icon Heroes! This statue bookend is available to pre-order from the September PREVIEWS catalog and will be available to purchase from comic book specialty shops in early January.

The bookend is a remarkably detailed 10-inch tall statue cast in resin depicting Kirk sitting pensively in his famous captainā€™s chair. The bookend captures a stunning likeness of actor William Shatner in his costume from Star Trek: The Original Series, from his gold captainā€™s tunic down to his shiny black boots. As he ponders his journey, Kirkā€™s left hand toys with the intricately sculpted buttons on his iconic command chair.

This gorgeous statue bookend is perfect for any Trekkie looking to add some authority to their bookshelves or office! The exclusive is limited to 500 pieces worldwide and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

To pre-order the Captain Kirk Bookend priced at $135.00, use item code SEP152602 at your local comic book shop. Find and boldly go to a comic shop near you by visiting www.comicshoplocator.com.


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