Megan Fox To Play April O’Neil In TMNT Movie!

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It looks like the character of ‘April O’Neil‘ has been cast, and it is going to be played by actress Megan Fox. Check out more on this below, and share your thoughts on what you think about this casting choice, when you make the JUMP to the Serpentorslair Forum’s!

(Source: enewsi via twitter)

THR reports that actress Megan Fox will be reuniting with director Michael Bay for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. She will be playing the role of April O’ Neil. The two had a falling out after working together on the second Transformers movie but apparently that is all behind them.

“Sources say Fox and Bay reconciled over a series of recent meetings and that one tete-a-tete that won her over was with director Jonathan Liebesman, who wowed her the storyboards, according to insiders.”

Do you think Fox will make a good April O’ Neil?


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