New Spoilers for ‘The Flash’ on CW REVEALED!


There have been tons of rumors floating around about who Harrison Wells is going to become, as well as what is the deal with Eddie Thawn. Well, if you don’t want to read a bunch of spoilers on how those two very important characters are going to play out in Season 1 Of ‘The Flash‘ on CW, then stop reading here, but if you want to know, check out the awesomeness below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP!


UPDATE: 1 New set photo (the first image) and one new tweet (the second image) have been added.

First image – People seem to be claiming this is *SPOILER* Eddie being stabbed (just by how it looks) I for one couldn’t tell you if that was the case, if Eddie is “stabbed” I can almost assure the wound will not be fatal…*cough* ancestor *cough*, but maybe everyone will be convinced Eddie has died, much like Malcolm Merlyn in Season 1 of Arrow, a fake death. That begs the question….is Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne?!?) working with Eddie Thawne (Malcolm Thawne?!?)

Second image – Showcases both Cavanugh and Cosnett who play Wells (Eobard?!?!) and Thawne (Malcolm?!?!) respectively, the image definitely showcases the fact that they do indeed have quite the similar look about them…almost as if they were cast to look…related?

Photos from the set of The Flash, Episode 19 or 20, showcase that Harrison Wells (aka Eobard Thawne??) has captured both Iris West, and Eddie Thawne (Malcolm Thawne). Despite him standing still in the photos (Wells/Barry) we don’t know if this is the case seeing as the effects have yet to be added.

Curious to what I mean as running into an ancestor?

Click here for: CW Reverse Flash Explained/How I Would Handle the CW Reverse Flash

and/or here for: CW Cobalt Blue Explained/How I Would Handle the CW Cobalt Blue

*We also get a nice shot between takes of Tom Cavanugh and Grant Gustin just hanging out in their suits…and a cool dancing video*

I would personally hope Wells/Eobard pulls a Slade Wilson (what he did to Laurel, “I know Oliver Queen is the Arrow”), and says something to Eddie like “Because I know, Barry Allen, your brother…is The Flash” and then we get a nice montage between Season’s 1 and 2 of Eddie delving into his families past



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