avenWe knew that most likely Scarlet Witch was going to e somewhat different from her comic book version in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but it seems Joss Whedon has confirmed that her powers are going to be different. For more on this, check out the latest below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP!

(Source: newsarama)

In the comic books, the Scarlet Witch’s super powers gave her the ability to change the probability through “hexes.” Now, we’ve learned that Marvel is changing the superhero’s powers completely for Avengers: Age of Ultron.

On Friday, Marvel released via CBR a new video featurette for Avengers: Age of Ultron focused on Scartet Witch and her brother Quicksilver, and in the commentar director Joss Whedon says that Scarlet Witch’s powers in the movie are telekinesis and telepathic abilities attuned to fear. Here is that video:

While rumored script leaks fueled speculation that Wanda’s powers would differ from her comic book counterpart’s probability-altering “hex” powers, Whedon’s explanation in this featurette is the first official indication that it is indeed the case.


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