‘Jerome’ Pays A Visit To His Father In New Gotham Clip!

It looks like the focus of ‘Gotham‘ Season 2 is going to shine on the rise of ‘Jerome‘ as ‘The Joker‘. Today, in the latest clip we have for next week’s all new episode,Ā Jerome pays a visit to his father. We are sure that this is not going to end well. Check out the clip below, and share your thoughts Ā AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: EW) Gordon and Bullock track down a nemesis from the past, leading to a standoff between Jerome (guest-star Cameron Monaghan) and Gordon. Meanwhile, a magic show…

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Gotham Season 2 Episode 3 Sneak Preview:’ The Last Laugh’!

What an epic episode of Gotham tonight. One thing is for sure, Jerome is going to be one sick villain for Jim Gordon To deal with. But, what was most exciting to me was the return of Lucius Fox. Here is hoping that he gets a lot more air time going forward this season. Tonight we have the first sneak preview for next week’s episode of Gotham, ‘The Last Laugh‘. Check it out below, and share your thoughts after the (Source: Gotham via Youtube) Gordon and Bullock track down a…

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