Exploring the Voice Behind the Characters: A Journey Through Tara Strong’s Iconic Roles

Story By Mitchell Smith Hello everybody today I’m taking a look at voice actor Tara Strong. Born in 1973 in Toronto, Canada. Strong was interested in acting at a young age and from the late eighties to today she has voiced some of the most memorable characters in modern animation. In 1987 Strong voiced Hello Kitty along with other shows like Care Bears, Garbage Pail Kids, and the animated series Beetlejuice. Rolling into the nineties Strong picked up rolls in Super Mario, Bill & Ted, and X-Men. In the late…

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The POP EXPOSE ‘The 25 Greatest Toys You Got For Christmas’ by Mitchell Smith

Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays. I grew up with 3 brothers, a sister, a half brother and half sister, so growing up I don’t know if I ever had that Christmas where I was spoiled with toys. It was always about getting together with family and being happy you got anything at all, and outside of the gift or 2 I got on my birthday, this was pretty much the only other time I ever got toys. One of the best memories I have though was…

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