Casper Crump Prepares to play ‘Vandal Savage’ on Legends of Tomorrow!

Actor Casper Crump is getting prepared to play his new role of epic villain ‘Vandal Savage‘ on the new CW series, ‘Legends of Tomorrow‘. Today we have some great shots of Mr. Crump doing his prep work. Check out all the images and details below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: Casper Crump (Helium, Tarzan) is mentally and physically preparing himself to play the immortal supervillain Vandal Savage in The CW’s Legends of Tomorrow. He and Hawkman actor Falk Hantschel have been posting images of their grueling…

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Casper Crump Cast as ‘Vandal Savage’ on Legends of Tomorrow!

Awesome news today, as we have learned that the main villain for the CW’s new ‘Legends of Tomorrow‘ has been cast. Actor Casper Crump will be playing the iconic DC Comics Villain, ‘Vandal Savage‘. For more details check out the news below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: The CW has announced that Casper Crump (Helium, Tarzan) will join their DC Television Universe as Vandal Savage. Vandal Savage is described as “immortal, having spent the past 6,000 years moving like a virulent disease through history, whispering in…

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