Get the Skinny on Chappie!

I have anticipated this movie for quite a while. I was thinking, ok Blomkamp is making a modern Short Circuit, I liked Short Circuit, so why not? Well as visually similar and outwardly the same at first glance as this may seem, this ain’t no Short Circuit. ****spoilers ahead!***** Chappie is a scout. Moose is a military prototype that Hugh Jackman is working on, that instead of AI uses a human to control it. Yolandi, Ninja, and America, well I am not sure what they are. Scout 22 is sent on…

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New ‘Chappie’ Trailer Is HERE!

Today we have the latest trailer for Hugh Jackman’s new sci-fi movie, ‘Chappie’. If you were not sold after seeing the first trailer, this one will definitely change your mind. Check it out below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: cinemablend) A new trailer for Chappie, a robot movie by District 9 writer and director, Neill Blomkamp has been released and we get to see a bit more of the actual story surrounding Chappie. I’ve got to admit, it looks pretty cool. Check it out: This trailer is…

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New Chappie Scout 22 Statue Coming!

If you are really excited about Hugh Jackman’s new movie ‘Chappie‘ you will definitely want to look into picking up the new Chappie Scout 22 Statue coming from Gentle Giant. Check out the details on this one below and sound off with your opinions after the JUMP! (Source: toyark) Gentle Giant has announced a statue based on one of the robots from Neil Blomkamp’s upcoming film; Chappie. The film will tell the story of an self aware robot who learns what it is to be alive, and all the happiness…

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Check out Hugh Jackman’s new Sci-Fi Movie ‘Chappie’!

For some reason i had not heard hardly anything about the movie ‘Chappie‘ until the other night when the Trailer got a run during an episode of ‘Gotham‘. Not only does this look like an interesting film that discusses ‘Transhumanism‘, it also looks to be family friendly. Check out the trailer and details for it below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: collider / entertainment weekly) As someone with a soft spot for pet-like creatures, I’ve had my eye on Neill Blomkamp’s Chappie since the moment it was…

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