ARROW Sn #5 Ep #3 ‘A Matter Of Trust’ TONIGHT!

WWE superstar Cody Rhodes is making his way to Star City tonight on Arrow. Rhodes character is going to be a drug dealer named, ‘Garret Runnels‘. Check out all the details in the official synopsis and promo clips for tonight’s episode titled, ‘A Matter of Trust‘ and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Wednesday’s at 7pm Central on the CW! WWE STAR CODY RHODES BRINGS THE SMACKDOWN TO STAR CITY — Now that Oliver (Stephen Amell) has his new team, they are ready to hit the streets but Oliver…

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ARROW Sn.5 Ep.3 ‘A Matter Of Trust’ Synopsis Released!

WWE superstar Cody Rhodes is making his way to Star City in the 3rd episode of the upcoming season of Arrow. Rhodes character is going to be a drug dealer named, ‘Garret Runnels‘. Check out all the details in the official synopsis for the episode titled, ‘A Matter of Trust‘ and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow kicks off its 5th season on Wednesday, October 5th at 7pm Central on the CW! WWE STAR CODY RHODES BRINGS THE SMACKDOWN TO STAR CITY — Now that Oliver…

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WWE’s ‘Stardust’ joins the cast of ‘Arrow’!

During last summers WWE charity event Arrow star Stephen Amell made a new friend in the wrestler, ‘Stardust‘. And, it looks like the friendship is going to carry over to ‘Arrow’ as the wrestler will be joining the cast of the show for season 5! Check out the latest details on this move below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! The news was made official during a panel at the Heroes & Villains FanFest in New Jersey today by Stephen Amell, with Rhodes adding that, “You can probably expect…

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