We have something special today for Dragon Ball Z fans. We have the Dragon Ball Z Super Episode #2 English subbed for your enjoyment. So sit back and check out the video below, and sound off with your opinions on this latest offering AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: Cosmicbooknews.com) The new Dragon Ball Super TV series debuted in Japan last week, and now video of episode two has been uploaded online with English subtitles. Dragon Ball Super is set a few years after the defeat of Majin Buu, when the Earth…

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Villains Revealed for ‘Dragon Ball Z Super’ In New Poster!

In a brand new poster out today for Dragon Ball Z Super, we get a look at who the villains are going to be. Although, it will not be long before you can see the show for yourself, as it debut’s in Japan on July 5th. Get more on this below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: Comicbookmovie.com) It seems that whatever warrior race Lord Beerus and Whis belong to, they aren’t the last of their kind. The first poster for Dragon Ball Super gives us a look…

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Serpentor's Lair [fts_instagram instagram_id=17841404303432442 access_token=IGQVJYREdMMjRKdHZAyWmJBNkRTbHVkS1pYMkZA2c0hrWWJCUWxqUC1Jam5vaDZAJX29XbmwyeE9QS0FzaG4xekktQkFVdGp3dU5MZAUpyUUR0emxUeXpWU25xSGlZAb0paTmZA0Ml9HVVR3 pics_count=6 type=basic super_gallery=yes columns=6 force_columns=no space_between_photos=1px icon_size=65px hide_date_likes_comments=no]