Krypton Casts Emmett Scanlan as ‘LOBO’ for Season #2!

Last season on Krypton, Kal-El’s ancestors have dealt with Brainiac, they are going to have to face off with the galaxy’s super biker ‘Lobo‘. SyFy has announced they have cast actor Emmett Scanlan as ‘Lobo‘ for the upcoming season. He is slated to be the main villain in this season’s story arc. Check out what we know so far on this below and let us know if you like the casting choice AFTER THE JUMP! Krypton Season 2 kicks off in the spring of 2019! Created in 1984 by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen, Lobo is…

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Emmett Scanlan to play ‘The Spectre’ in NBC’s Constantine!

In the latest news regarding the upcoming season of NBC’s ‘Constantine’, actor Emmett Scanlan will be taking on the role of ‘The Spectre’.Check out more on this casting choice below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: screencrush) DC’s TV superhero stock grew even higher this week with the news that a ‘Supergirl’ series has begun development, and the playing field will get even more crowded if NBC’s ‘Constantine‘ has anything to say about it. To wit, Irish actor Emmett Scanlan has been added to the recurring cast of NBC’s occult drama,…

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