Reminder: GTA 5 Gets Released Tonight At Midnight!

Just a reminder to the gamers, check your local retailers because many are having a midnight launch party tonight at midnight for what many gamers consider THE gaming event of the year…the release of Grand Theft Auto 5!! The game is already being penciled in for the annual Game Of The Year awards across gaming media outlets. In the meantime , check out the review round up and see for yourself what all the excitment is about and I will see you all at Gamestop tonight! Join in the discussion…

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GTA 5 Online Gameplay Trailer Is Here And It Is Amazing!

Ok, I need a moment… it’s officially game over! Every major release is now fighting for the #2 spot for Game Of The Year! Just Give Rockstar the award now before the game even get’s released. I just watched the online gameplay trailer and I am just about speechless! From earning reputations and forming your own crew for bank heist, robbing gas stations, or just taking a nice Sunday drive with your motorcycle posse…this game give’s it all to you. Why are you still reading?? Go watch it for yourself below AND…

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Grand Theft Auto 5 Box Art Revealed!

Legend in the gaming industry,developer RockStar has revealed the cover art for what many believe has already earned the game of the year honors before it’s even released….Grand Theft Auto 5 today.So check out the box art and let us know what you think!GTA5 has a release date of September 17 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Join in the Discussion after the JUMP!  

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