New Movie Posters Show Ghostbusters Gals all Geared Up!

Columbia Pictures has released four new promotional posters for the upcoming ‘Ghostbusters‘ movie, that gives us a look at the ladies all geared up and ready to roll out! Are you ready for what is now known as the ‘all female Ghostbusters‘? Let us know AFTER THE JUMP. Ghostbusters is directed by Paul Feig and stars Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, and Leslie Jones. It haunts theaters July 22, 2016.  

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The Ghostbusters Reboot Cast and Release Date Set!

Those of us who were really hoping to get another Ghostbusters movie are going to get your wish, as today we have the casting information and the official release date for a new Ghostbusters movie. Unfortunately, you may decide that this is not what you had in mind when you dreamed of a new Ghostbusters movie. Check out the news below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: Itā€™s official! Meet your new Ghostbusters! Paul Feig, the director of the upcoming reboot, just took to Twitter to reveal…

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