Arrow on CW 

ARROW Sn. 8 Ep. #4 ‘Present Tense’ Details Hit!

The CW has released the promo and photos for next week’s episode of Arrow titled, ‘Present Tense‘! In this episode we see the return of fan favorite villain, ‘Deathstroke’ as well as a special guest appearance from Echo Kellum, aka ‘Mr. Terrific’! Check out the photos and details below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Thursday evenings at 8pm Central! “Present Tense” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) ECHO KELLUM GUEST STARS – When a mysterious new Deathstroke appears in Star City, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and…

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Arrow on CW 

ARROW Sn. 7 Ep. #18 ‘Lost Canary’ Photos!

The CW has released a new gallery of photos for the next new episode of Arrow titled, ‘Lost Canary‘. Caity Lotz returns for a serious girl power episode as all the Canaries work together! Check out the photo and the synopsis for this episode below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow ‘Lost Canary‘ airs Monday, April 15th at 7pm Central! “Lost Canary” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV) BIRDS OF PREY; CAITY LOTZ GUEST STARS – After being accused of murder and having her criminal past exposed, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) goes…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Finale ‘Life Sentence’ New Photos Released!

Ahead of this Thursday’s Season 6 finale of Arrow, The CW has released a new gallery of photos for the show. What will become of Oliver and his team? Will Black Siren turn to good? And what is the fate of Mayor Lance? Check out the photos below and be sure and tune in Thursday evening for the epic season finale of Arrow! Sound off with your thoughts on this episode AFTER THE JUMP! Arrow airs Thursday evenings at 8pm Central! “Life Sentence” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) THE EPIC SEASON FINALE…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 19 ‘The Dragon’ Promo Released!

The CW has released the promo for the next episode of Arrow titled, ‘The Dragon‘! Diaz and Laurel look to take on the Quadrant and become the kingpins of the organized crime syndicate. Check out the promo for next week’s episode below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Thursday evenings at 8pm Central! “The Dragon” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV) DIAZ SETS HIS SIGHTS ON THE QUADRANT – Looking to expand his empire, Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) meet with The Quadrant, a coalition of…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 10 ‘Divided’ New Photos Released!

The CW has released a new gallery of photos for the upcoming mid-season premiere of ‘Arrow‘ titled, ‘Divided‘! The team is splintered following Oliver and Mad Dog’s disagreement. Meanwhile, Oliver is facing jail for being outed as the Green Arrow. Check out all the new images below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow, ‘Divided‘ airs Thursday, January 18th at 8pm Central. OLIVER DISCOVERS A SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT CAYDEN JAMES ā€” Despite losing half his team, Oliver (Stephen Amell) remains confident that he, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Diggle (David Ramsey) can…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 6 ‘Thanksgiving’ TONIGHT!

Tonight in a Thanksgiving edition of ‘Arrow‘, as things usually go for Oliver Queen, this is not going to be a nice peaceful Thanksgiving Celebration with his family. Check out the new promo below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Thursday evenings at 8pm Central on CW. ā€œOliver (Stephen Amell) celebrates Thanksgiving with his family but the happy moment is interrupted. Meanwhile, Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) returns to wreak havoc on the holiday.ā€ Arrow stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, David Ramsey as John Diggle, Willa Holland…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 2 ‘Tribute’ TONIGHT!

Tonight on an all new episode of ‘Arrow‘, Oliver is reeling from the revelation that his secret identity as ‘Green Arrow‘ has been revealed to the public of Star City. Check out the latest promo for Tonight’s episode titled, ‘Tribute‘, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Thursday evenings at 8pm Central on The CW.  ā€œOliver (Stephen Amell) tries to balance being the mayor, the Green Arrow and a father to William (guest star Jack Moore). Anatoly (guest star David Nykl) returns to Star City with a deadly agenda.ā€ Arrow stars…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Premiere ‘Fallout’ TONIGHT!

The wait is finally over. The season 6 premiere of ‘Arrow‘ is tonight, and we will finally get to find out what happened to everyone on the island when it exploded. Check out the promo and synopsis below and be sure and tune in to The CW tonight at 8pm Central for the season premiere of Arrow! Be sure and come back after the show and share your thoughts with us AFTER THE JUMP! The future of the team is left hanging in the balance after the emotional showdown between Oliver Queen and…

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ARROW Sn. 6 New Canadian Promo Hits!

A new Canadian promo trailer for Arrow Season 6 has surfaced with some new footage showing just how Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) survived the explosion on Lian Yu! Check out the new trailer in the player below and sound off with your thoughts. Arrow kicks off its 6th season on a new night and time next Thursday at 8pm Central on the CW.  Arrow stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, David Ramsey as John Diggle, Willa Holland as Thea Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, John Barrowman as Malcom Merlyn, with Paul Blackthorne as Detective Lance. Manu…

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ARROW Sn. 6 – Canary vs. Canary in New Promo Clip!

It looks like there is going to be some lady fighting early on this season on Arrow, as Katie Cassidy returns to the show as Black Siren! In the latest promo clip, we get to see Black Siren facing off against her replacement on team Arrow ‘Black Canary‘. Check out the new footage below and sound off with your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow kicks off its sixth season on Thursday, October 12th at 8pm Central on the CW.  The future of the team is left hanging in the balance after the emotional showdown between Oliver Queen and Adrian…

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ARROW Sn. 6 Ep. 1 ‘Fallout’ Photos Released!

The CW has released a full gallery of promotional photos for the upcoming Season 6 premiere of ‘Arrow‘ titled, ‘Fallout‘! In these photos we get to see the exciting return of Katie Cassidy as ‘Black Siren’! Check out the photos below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow, ‘Fallout’ will air Thursday, October 12th at 7pm Central on CW. The future of the team is left hanging in the balance after the emotional showdown between Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase. Now, the focus shifts to uncovering the fate of each and every…

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ARROW Sn. 6 – New Promo ‘Everything Has Changed’!

The CW has released a new promo for the upcoming sixth season of Arrow titled, ‘Everything Has Changed‘. There are some exciting things coming this season with the return of Katie Cassidy as Black Siren and Manu Bennett as ‘Deathstroke‘. Check out the new promo below and sound off with your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow kicks off its 6th season on Thursday, October 12th at 8pm Central on CW.  Arrow stars Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, David Ramsey as John Diggle, Willa Holland as Thea Queen, Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak, John Barrowman as Malcom Merlyn, with Paul Blackthorne…

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Arrow TV Series Black Canary Statue by Icon Heroes!

Now you can bring Laurel Lance home and display her on your bookcase with the new Icon Heroes Arrow TV Series ā€“ Black Canary Statue. This offering is based on Katie Cassidy’s ‘Black Canary‘ from the hit TV series Arrow. The statue will stand 7″ tall and is priced at $49. You can order one for yourself by clicking HERE! Then join in the conversation AFTER THE JUMP! An Icon Heroes Exclusive! Why let the boys have the fun? Black Canary is here to let the villains of Star City know that sheā€™s every bit the crime fighter that…

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ARROW Season 5 Finale TONIGHT!

Tonight on the season 5 finale of ‘Arrow‘ Oliver pulls out all the stops to end Adrian Chase. Meanwhile everyone returns to the place where everything started five years ago, ‘Lian Yu‘! Check out the promo for tonight’s episode aptly titled, ‘Lian Yu‘ and be sure and tune in to the CW tonight at 7pm Central and find out how this season of ‘Arrow‘ ends! Join in the conversation AFTER THE JUMP!   ā€œThe battle between Oliver and Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra) culminates in a final epic battle on Lian…

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ARROW Season 5 Episode 22 ‘Missing’ TONIGHT!

Tonight on an all new episode of ‘Arrow’, we see the epic return of Katie Cassidy as ‘Black Siren‘! Will she eventually help team Arrow bring down Adrian Chase, or end up helping him? We will find out next week. In the meantime, the CW has released new promotional photos for the episode. Check those out below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Arrow airs Wednesday evenings at 7pm Central on the CW. ā€œBlack Siren (guest star Katie Cassidy) returns to help Chase (Josh Segarra). Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards)…

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