Which Spider-Man Villain does Marc Webb want to work on?

With the Sinister Six movie in the works, Amazing Spider-Man Director Mark Web talks about which Spidey villain he wants to work on. Check out the interview below and see what you think after the JUMP! (Source: blastr.com) Could this give us some clue as to how the Sinister Six will be rounded out? If you caught Amazing Spider-Man 2 over the weekend, then you probably have some idea of who at least part of the Sinister Six will be, or at least what villains we’ll probably be seeing in general from future films. But when…

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 Mysterious Production Photo Emerges !

Marc Webb has released yet another strange production photo for Amazing Spider-Man 2. Check out the info on this below and share what you think it means for the film after the JUMP! (Source: comicbookmovie.com) While the chamber in the following production still from the set of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 seems to resemble the one which transformed Norman Osborn into the Green Goblin in 2002’s Spider-Man, the pose that director Marc Webb is performing makes me wonder whether this is actually where Max Dillon becomes Electro! Like most of…

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