Disney Removing Slave Leia From All STAR WARS Merchandise!

Today we owe a special debt of gratitude to all of the ‘sheeple’ adults who can not think for themselves, for helping prompt Disney to discontinue all Slave Leia Merchandise. And why is this good? Because, all of us adults who are 30 years old or older have been permanently scarred by owning Slave Leia action figures and having been exposed to her Slave costume in Star Wars: Return of The Jedi. Please note the above comments are sarcasm. But unfortunately the story is trueDisney is discontinuing Star Wars Slave Leia…

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Unboxing Walmart’s Exclusive Funko Pop Jabba The Hutt, Slave Leia, & Salacious B Crumb 3 Pack

We have a look today at the brand new Walmart Exclusive Funko Pop Jabba the Hutt, Slave Leia & Salacious B Crumb Funko Pop 3 pack. What is great about this set is you get most of Jabba’s palace scene from Return of the Jedi all in one set. Check out the review video and images below, and let us know what you think of this offering after the JUMP! (Source: Ultimate Toy Collector)

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Carrie Fisher Responds to ‘Slave Leia’ Action Figure Controversy!

We recently brought you the story about the father who went on local TV to express his opinion that the Star Wars Black ‘Slave Leia’ figure was inappropriate for children and should not be on the toy aisle. Today we have learned that Princess Leia herself, Actress Carrie Fisher has shared her thoughts on the subject. Check out the latest below, and let us know your opinion after the JUMP! (Source:epictimes.com) Ever since Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi was released in 1983, one of the film’s most…

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Parents want Star Wars Black Series ‘Slave Leia’ Figure Removed from Retail!

In a recent local TV news story out of Philadelphia, a local father went on TV claiming that the Star Wars Black Series ‘Slave Leia‘ figure was inappropriate for children and should not be sold in the children’s toy department. You know that in the current social climate, one person taking offense to something will gain traction and in a week, Hasbro will stop selling Slave Leia altogether. So what do you think about this stance? Sound off with your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: myfoxphilly.com) A trip down the…

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