Go inside The Four Horsemen Studio for an all new Q&A!

UltimateToyCollector and Serpentorslair Take you inside the studio with the legendary Toy designers, The Four Horsemen! Big thanks to Cornboy, Eric, and Jim. Check out The Straight Poop and I as we sit down with The Four Horsemen in their new studio as we talk Mythic Legions, Gothitropolis, and … Corn?! And before the critics say anything, yes somehow the video flipped upside down during a small segment but I salvaged it to the best of my abilities. Nonetheless, get those Mythic Legions 1.5 preorders in now! I just placed…

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X-Men: Apocolypse film will have the ‘Four Horsemen’?

How cool is the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse going to be? Well, fans are going to be really stoked to find out that ‘The Four Horsemen‘ will be a part of the film in some way. This is sure to please X-Men fans everywhere. Check out the full scoop below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: screencrush) We got our first taste of what’s in store for the next ‘X-Men’ film, ‘X-Men: Apocalypse,’ in the post-credits scene for ‘Days of Future Past,’ which previewed the all-powerful villain in his early years in ancient…

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