NECAā€™s ‘THE HATEFUL EIGHT’ Action Figure Preview!

The official Twitter account for Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming, ‘The Hateful Eight‘ movie, ‘@thehatefuleight‘, has shared the first preview of the official action figures that will be coming along with the film. These figures, which will be produced by Neca, are going to be very detailed and for fans of the film a must have. Check out the preview below, and let us know your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP!

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THE HATEFUL EIGHT – New Trailer Released!

Today we have the latest new trailer for Quinton Tarantino’s new film, ‘The Hateful Eight‘. Even if you are not usually a fan of Tarantino’s film’s this is one that you are not going to want to skip out on. Check out the new trailer below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: Cinemablend) The Weinstein Company has released this brand new spot for Tarantino’s latest western, and it looks absolutely terrific. The movie takes the writer/director back to his Reservoir Dogs roots – trapping a bunch of not-so-lovely…

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ā€˜The Hateful Eightā€™ Trailer is HERE!

Today we have the first full trailer for Quinton Tarantino’s new movie, ‘The Hateful Eight‘. Like most Tarantino movies, this one looks like its going to be a lot of fun. Check out the trailer below, and let us know what you think after the JUMP! (Source: screencush) I canā€™t blame anyone whoā€™s got Star Wars: The Force Awakens at the top of their list of most anticipated movies of the fall and winter. But for me, itā€™s all about The Hateful Eight. Appropriately, itā€™s the eighth film from writer/director…

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