If you are a child of the 80’s and 90’s you surely remember staying up late at night to check out the show, ‘Tales from The Crypt‘. Now it looks like it is going to be making a return to TV on the TNT network. And, who better to breath life into the franchise than the king of horror himself, ‘M Night Shyamalan‘! Check out all the latest on this below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! M Night Shyamalan will reboot “Tales from the Crypt” as part of…

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Live Action Teen Titans Coming with ‘Nightwing’ as Leader?

Okay wait a minute,Ā DCĀ is going to do aĀ Live Action Teen Titans TVĀ show andĀ NightwingĀ is going to be the lead character? All I have to say isDCĀ is really churning out a lot ofĀ TVĀ all at one time, if all of these shows hit, they are going to be dominating. This newĀ Teen TitansĀ series is coming toĀ TNTĀ Cable. Which hopefully will give it more of a wide birth to explore the universe than might be with a Network show. Check out more on this below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: comicbookmovie) Deadline reports…

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