Half The Battle 

HALF THE BATTLE -Vlog and Loot From the 2023 FACTS Spring Comic Con! 

On this week’s episode of  Half The Battle I share with you my vlog and loot from this springs FACTS Comic Con. Be sure and join in the conversation in the comments below and let us know what you think of this figure. And as always be sure and like share and subscribe to my YouTube channel if that’s your thing!

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G.I.Joe ‘Sub Zero’ By Mitchell Smith!

Welcome to the Outpost. Today I’m talking about a G.I.Joe figure I did not have as a kid but he is one of my favorite cold weather characters, ‘Sub-Zero‘. Sub-Zero came out in 1990 just on the tail end of my Joe days as a kid. When I started collecting, Sub-Zero was a figure I bought off eBay complete. I like the uniform he has and there is a good number of weapons and accessories that comes with this figure. Surprisingly there is only 1 other version a dark blue one from 1993. I…

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Welcome to the Outpost. Today we are moving forward to the 1985 G.I.Joe Mauler. I guess I’m making this tank week LOL. The Mauler is just an awesome tank. This is one I did not have as a kid, but I wanted one really bad. It wasn’t till a few years ago I saw for the first time a Mauler. Minus the antennas it was complete and I made it mine.. This was another motorized tank and same thing with as my Mobat I have never tried putting batteries in it.…

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Serpentor's Lair [fts_instagram instagram_id=17841404303432442 access_token=IGQVJYREdMMjRKdHZAyWmJBNkRTbHVkS1pYMkZA2c0hrWWJCUWxqUC1Jam5vaDZAJX29XbmwyeE9QS0FzaG4xekktQkFVdGp3dU5MZAUpyUUR0emxUeXpWU25xSGlZAb0paTmZA0Ml9HVVR3 pics_count=6 type=basic super_gallery=yes columns=6 force_columns=no space_between_photos=1px icon_size=65px hide_date_likes_comments=no]