Tyrese Gibson Gets some Competition for ‘Green Lantern’ Role

Tyrese Gibson has been all over social media this year saying how much he wants to play the role of ‘John Stewart’ in the upcoming Green Lantern movie. But now it looks like there is another actor in the running along with him. Word out today is that actor, ‘Lance Gross‘ is that man. Check out the details below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: Comicbookmovie.com) Lance Gross is apparently testing the waters to see how much fan support he can garner for the role of John Stewart…

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Is a Major ‘Green Lantern’ Announcement Happening at SDCC 2015?

We have been reading rumors for months that Tyrese Gibson wants to play the Green Lantern in upcoming DC Movies. Now in just a few days at SDCC 2015, we may get a definitive answer on this. Check out the latest below, and sound of with our opinions after the JUMP! (Source: screencrush) Rumors have been circulating for some time now (even as recent as the past week) that Warner Bros.’ new Green Lantern movie will focus on not one, but multiple Green Lanterns, in keeping with the comics. Chris…

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Tyrese Gibson Wants to be the Next Green Lantern!

What would you think about the next Green Lantern being John Stewart, played by Actor Tyrese Gibson? I think a lot of fans would be more than thrilled at that possibility. And, it looks like Tyrese would love to see that happen as well. Check out the latest on this below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: comicbook.com) The other day, Fast & Furious star Tyrese Gibson created a stir on the Internet by posting some fan art of himself as Green Lantern to Instagram. Today, Tyrese pushed…

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