James Gunn and Vin Diesel talk Guardians of The Galaxy 2!

There is so much we want to know about Guardians of The Galaxy 2. What is Starlord’s father going to be like? What or how is Groot going to behave after having to re-grow himself? Yesterday, director James Gun and actor Vin Diesel took to facebook to discuss the upcoming film, and we have the video for you below. Check it out and let us know what you are expecting from Guardians of The Galaxy 2. Guardians of The Galaxy 2 hits theaters May 5th, 2017! The Guardians of the…

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Jet Li Joins the Cast of the XXX Sequel Film!

We have some exciting news today on the long anticipated sequel to Vin Diesel’s XXX! Legendary action star Jet Li is joining the cast, of what will be called, ‘XXX: The Return of Xander Cage‘! For the latest on this check out all the details below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! Well this sequel is really shaping up to be better than expected. While still in the development stages, XXX: The Return Of Xander Cage has begun the casting process at full force. Besides previously announced Samuel L.…

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Vin Diesel’s ‘The Last Witch Hunter’ Trailer is HERE!

Today we have the trailer for you for Vin Diesel’s brand new film, ‘The Last Witch Hunter‘. In this one Vin Diesel plays, ‘Kaulder‘ the immortal who is torn between his family and his mission. Check out the trailer and details below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: cinemablend) “Do you know what it’s like to live forever?” With that tantalizing inquiry, Vin Diesel introduces us to his latest character, the immortal Kaulder. Though audiences later this year will get to know him as The Last Witch Hunter.…

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The ‘Last Witch Hunter 2’ is a GO!

If you enjoyed Vin Diesel in The Last Witch Hunter you will be excited to know that Vin Diesel himself has announced that a sequel to that movie is officially happening. For more details on this, check out the news below and let us know what you think, after the JUMP! (Source: cinemablend) We’ve only received a peek of The Last Witch Hunter, the supernatural action film starring Vin Diesel as an ageless warrior against these magic-wielding shitheads. However, the studio is apparently so enthralled by the franchise, it’s potential…

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Vin Diesel’s ‘The Last Witch Hunter’ Trailer is Here!

Ready for some vintage Vin Diesel kick butt action? You will get plenty in his latest film, ‘The Last Witch Hunter‘. Today we have the first trailer for the movie. Check it out below, and sound off with your opinions after the JUMP! (Source: cinemablend) What might jump out immediately to those following the development of this production is that Vin Diesel appears looking exactly like Vin Diesel. This is a bit of surprise, since every picture we’ve seen from the film has depicted the actor sporting a Viking-like appearance…

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‘Furious 8’ Gets an Official Release Date!

Actor Vin Diesel has announced the release date for the next installment in the Fast and Furious Movie Franchise titled, ‘Furious 8‘. Get the latest details on this below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: screencrush) The next installment in the Fast and Furious franchise may not yet have a script, a director, or even confirmed cast members, but Universal isn’t pumping the breaks on the high-octane series — especially not after the totally bonkers Furious 7, which shattered April box office records, becoming the most successful installment…

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Vin Diesel Teases Involvement in ‘The Inhumans’!

If you have not figured it out by now, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to be chocked full of Inhumans. From Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Today the lovable Vin Diesel, who was the voice of Groot in Guardians of The Galaxy, has teased is possible involvement in ‘The Inhumans‘. Check out the latest below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: Comicbook.com) Vin Diesel loves dropping hints at his future movie roles, and today it looks like we…

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Marvel’s ‘Inhumans’ Movie starring Vin Diesel?

Actor Vin Diesel made an interesting tweet this week regarding Marvel’s Inhumans. Right now his voice is smack dab in the middle of Marvel’s current blockbuster, Guardians of The Galaxy, and it seems that he enjoyed it so much he is hoping to be involved in another upcoming Marvel Film. It would not be the first time an actor played two major characters in the Marvel Movie Universe. Actor Chris Evansoriginally portrayed Johnny Storm in The Fantastic Four, but now he is more known for his ongoing role of Captain America. What do you think about Vin Diesel as Black Bolt the Leader of the Inhumans? Let…

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Vin Diesel is “NOT” Thanos in Guardians of The Galaxy!

There was a lot of speculation floating around the last few weeks that Vin Diesel was going to be playing the role of Thanos inGuardians of The Galaxy and possibly in other upcoming Marvel movies. But it seems today that rumor has been debunked. Check out the Skinny on this below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: screencrush) We’ve been wanting to know who is going to play Thanos, who has a considerable supporting role in Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy‘ and is the overarching big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, since…

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Is Vin Diesel Thanos in future Marvel Movies?

  Kevin Feige the president of Marvel Studios has been very sneaky about who will be playing Thanos in upcoming Marvel Movies, while at the same time he has said that the character has already been cast. Rumors floating around the web have Action star Vin Diesel taking on the role. What do you think? Check out the article below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: superherohype.com) Talking to Empire Magazine, Marvel Studios President and producer Kevin Feige was asked about recent reports that Thanos will indeed be making a physical appearance in James Gunn’s Guardians of…

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Critic Review Round Up! ‘Riddick’

Today we have a full roundup of many great critics reviews of Vin Diesel’s new installment in the ‘Riddick’ movie franchise. Check them out after the JUMP! Source: MSN Quote: “Riddick,” the third and possibly not last installment in the sci-fi action franchise top-lined, as they say in the trades, by Vin Diesel, is also possibly not the worst genre blockbuster of this summer of ugly genre blockbusters. But if it isn’t, this reviewer is past the point of wanting to know. The movie opens with its title anti-hero, the…

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Two New Clips from “Riddick” Emerge!

If you are stoked about the latest installment in the Riddick movie franchise starring Vin Diesel, you are going to enjoy the two new clips we have for you today. Check them out below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Superherohype.com) Following the release of yesterday’s clip from the upcoming Riddick, Universal Pictures has debuted two more clips from the film which you can watch using the players below! The September 6th release is written and directed by David Twohy and stars Vin Diesel, Karl Urban, Jordi Molla, Matt…

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