Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America Red Onslaught BAF Wave: Cottonmouth & Whirlwind!

The new Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America Red Onslaught BAF Wave is here and today we have a review for you of the Cottonmouth & Whirlwind figures. These are sure to get you amped up for the new Captain America: Civil War movie that will be hitting theaters in a few months. Check out all the images of Cottonmouth & Whirlwind below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Thanks to Serpentorslair Staffer UltimateToyCollector for the review!    

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MARVEL LEGENDS Captain America Civil War and Spider-Man 2016 In-Package Images!

We have for you today a great gallery of ‘in hand’ images of the new Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War and Spider-Man figures that are due out in 2016. If you are a Marvel collector you will not want to miss these figures! Special thanks to Marvel Legends Community group facebook page for the images! Join in the Conversation after the JUMP! Featured are Mockingbird Sharon Carter Taskmaster Whirlwind Cottonmouth Scourge of the Underworld

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