Toei’s MAZINGER Z Film Gets A New Trailer!
Check out the new trailer for Mazinger Z anime film from Toei Animation that will be released in Japan on January 13, 2018! The film will hit theaters just in time to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the original 1972 Mazinger Z manga from Go Nagai and the original 92-episode anime series from Toei. Watch the trailer in the player below and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMP!
Humanity was once in danger of its downfall at the hands of the Underground Empire, which was led by the evil scientist Dr. Hell. Koji Kabuto piloted the super robot Mazinger Z, and with help from his friends at the Photon Power Laboratory, he thwarted Dr. Hell’s evil ambitions and returned peace to the world.
It’s been ten years since then… No longer a pilot, Koji Kabuto has taken after his father and grandfather by starting down the path of the scientist. He encounters a gigantic structure buried deep beneath Mt. Fuji, along with a mysterious indication of life… New encounters, new threats, and a new fate await mankind. The former hero Koji Kabuto has a decision to make about the future: whether to be a god or a demon…
This grand action film depicts the fierce battle fought by the people and Mazinger Z–once again entrusted with the future of mankind!