Tonight on ‘The Flash’ its ‘The Trap’!


Tonight on ‘The Flash‘ things get really heated up as Eddie asks Joe for His permission to propose Marriage to Iris. While Cisco and the Star Labs team learn that Iris will eventually become Barry Allen’s wife in Doctor Wells secret room. Check out the promo for tonight’s episode below, and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMP!

(Source: MTV.COM)

WestAllen fans, cover your eyes — because if not, you’re going to have to run really, really fast to go back in time and forget that you ever saw Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) asking Joe West (Jesse L. Martin) for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

Of course, Detective West’s trembling reaction to Thawne’s request for his blessing probably means that things won’t go down without a hitch during tonight’s (April 28) episode of “The Flash.” (Though maybe that was just the CC Jitters.) Either way, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is going to have to fight even harder for Iris (Candice Patton) now that Thawne is getting more serious about the next steps in their relationship:



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