Video Interview: The Dark Art Of Batman ‘Arkham Origins’


When it was announced that developer Warner Bros. Games Montreal would be steering the ship for Batman Arkham Origins to buy some time for the award winning developer Rocksteady to work on a true next generation sequel to Batman Arkham City,many among the gaming world were more than concerned to say the least. That being said with news that not only would Arkahm Origins be using the same game engine as well have having Rocksteady holding Warner Bros. Games Montreals hand, many bat fans have relaxed.In fact,I for one am quite excited to have another Batman game to sink my teeth into during the final year of the current console generation.GameInformer recently had the oppurtunity to sit down with art director Batman Arkham Citye and the rest of the crew at Warner Bros. Games Montreal to share some insight on how they are approaching the prequel.Enjoy the interview below then join in the discussion after the JUMP!


While art director Jeremy Price and the rest of the team at Warner Bros. Games Montreal are looking to the previous Arkham titles for inspiration, they hope to leave their own mark with a couple of key differences. Since this is a prequel, Batman is a mysterious force in the streets of Gotham. Even the cops aren’t sure if he is a myth or supernatural. To emphasize this mystery and fear surrounding the character, the team is planning on amping up their use of silhouettes and film noir-esque low-key lighting to make him a more imposing figure. The developers are also taking advantage of the holiday setting for the game by creating Christmas decorations that are unique to the haunted world of Gotham City.

Watch the video below to learn more about how the team is changing the look of Batman and how the Christmas setting will change the way you experience the game.


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