Win A Free Blu Ray/DVD Copy Of G.I.Joe Retaliation!
In celebration of the upcoming Blu Ray and DVD release Of G.I. Joe Retaliation, I invite you all to join the fun with a contest to win a FREE Blu Ray / DVD copy of the the movie when it releases this July 30th! Here is all you have to do.
Step #1 Take at least one or up to three pictures of any of the G.I. Joe Retaliation figures doing ANYTHING! (Note: Only the movie line from retaliation figures may be entered.)
Step #2 Post them in this thread.
Step #3 Let us know what your favorite part of G.I. Joe Retaliation was.( This could be anything from production, costume design, or a particular scene or line in the film)
That’s it. Your done! Contest will end on Aug 3rd. I will judge and pm winner at end of contest for address. All members including all staff may enter. Yo Joe!