Celebrating Cyndi Lauper: The Iconic Voice and Style That Defined the ’80s and ’90s

Story by Mitchell Smith

Hello everybody, today I’m taking a look back at one of the most unique and greatest performers of the eighties and nineties. Cyndi Lauper was born on June 22, 1953 in Brooklyn. Lauper known for her wild style was picked on at school and eventually was expelled because she struggled to maintain grades. At 17 she ran away from home to escape her abusive step-father.

Lauper would end up in various cover bands and in 1979 she formed the band Blue Angel with saxophonist John Turi. If you are a fan of Lauper and have never heard them, check them out. They sound pretty good and you can hear Lauper’s raw talent on many of their songs. Lauper struck gold in the eighties with hits like “Time after Time”, and “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”, which featured WWF manager Captain Lou Albano. Along with performing “The Goonies ‘R’ Good Enough,” from the soundtrack to the film The Goonies, Lauper was also part of the “We Are The World” song that not only raised money for Africa’s famine-relief fund, but highlighted some of the most remarkable performers in the eighties.

Lauper would go on to a very successful career and paved the way for solo female artists such as Katie Perry and Lady Gaga. I never get tired of listening to Lauper’s unique voice and just recently discovered Blue Angel, so that was a treat for me to hear something from Lauper that I had never heard before. Her unique voice and style has never been duplicated and never will be. Have an awesome week everyone.


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