

Welcome to the Outpost. Today I’m checking out a G.I. Joe vehicle that was overshadowed in 1986, the L.C.V. Recon Sled. 1986 posted some awesome vehicles such as the Night Raven, Stun, and Devilfish, along with the Havoc, Conquest, and Tomahawk. Also Cobra finally got a base the very cool Terror Drome. One small vehicle got the old stiff arm this year though. The 1986 L.C.V. Recon Sled is one I had as a kid and was featured in a couple episodes. Right from the time I opened this one on Christmas Day of 86 I loved it.

It was such a cool concept vehicle and was small but powerful. It was kind of like a mini version of the Havoc, or at least could be transported on the back in place of the flying vehicle, not sure if that was ever given a name. Anyone know? Maybe that is a story for another day. There is some great detail on this fine small vehicle and even though it only holds one person, I think it has some high value for what it was designed to do. I guess I always assumed this was for sneaking deep into enemy territory and gathering info and vantage points. The front cover provides a certain amount of protection and the driver can save his energy while moving quicker when allowed.

I think this would have been a lot more popular vehicle had they made moving front tires. It definitely would have made it a lot more cooler and mobile. This would be a great one for a modern upgrade, perhaps a Classified scale even. Overall this is a great vehicle and I’m happy I had one as a kid. Who loves this vehicle? Who hates it? Make sure to check back for our next discussion.



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