Major Update for the DCU’s Green Lantern Series

The Green Lantern series in the DC Universe (DCU) has received a significant update, with James Gunn announcing the involvement of some notable writers. In a recent post on Threads, Gunn expressed his excitement about the formation of an impressive writing team for the eagerly awaited Lanterns series. He revealed that the show, which will spotlight iconic Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart, is being developed on the solid foundation of a pilot script and series bible crafted by esteemed writers Chris Mundy, Tom King, and Damon Lindelof.

“Yes, it’s true,” Gunn wrote. “The Lanterns DCU series is assembling a stellar team of writers, building on a fantastic pilot script and bible by Chris Mundy, Tom King, and Damon Lindelof. A hearty welcome to Chris and @damonlindelof as they join the DC Studios family (no welcome necessary for old @tomking_tk, who has been here nearly since inception).”

The Lanterns series was officially announced by Peter Safran during a DCU press event in January 2023. Safran confirmed that the series would feature “two of our favorite Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan and John Stewart,” and is set to premiere on HBO Max alongside other DC television projects. He described the series as a “True Detective-type mystery,” focusing on the two Lanterns as they tackle a terrestrial-based enigma.

Gunn elaborated on the series’ narrative, explaining how it fits into the broader DCU storyline. He mentioned that the series will uncover an ancient horror on Earth, with Hal and John serving as “super cops on precinct Earth.” This premise promises a unique blend of cosmic and detective elements, offering a fresh take on the Green Lantern mythology.

The interconnected nature of the DCU was also emphasized, with Safran highlighting how Lanterns will seamlessly integrate with other DC films and series, similar to Peacemaker. “The story is going to weave back and forth between the films and the television shows,” Safran explained. “Just, you know, Peacemaker is a good example of how that works. And that’s what we’re going to do with this big overarching story that we’re telling.”

This approach aligns with Gunn and Safran’s vision of a cohesive DCU, interconnected across TV, animation, and films. The inclusion of talented writers like Mundy, known for his work on Ozark; King, a celebrated comic book writer with deep ties to the DC Universe; and Lindelof, the mastermind behind Lost and Watchmen, signals a high level of ambition and creativity for the series.

There is currently no release date for Lanterns, but anticipation is high as Superman is set to soar into theaters next summer.


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