Rumor: Moon Knight, Punisher, Deathlok and Spider-Woman Netflix Series in the Works?


It looks like Marvel is not going to stop with just the current Offerings of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage on Netflix. Rumor has it they are working on plans to bring some more favorite characters from the pages of Marvel Comics to Netflix. How would you feel about series featuring, Moon Knight, Punisher, Deathlock and Spider-Woman? Get all the details on this latest news below, and share your opinions after the JUMP!


An unnamed source “close” to the situation has informed us that for Marvel’s next slate of Netflix shows, they’re going dark – very dark. The source says that in 2018/2019, you can expect the following shows for Netflix:

2018: Moon Knight with Bushman as the main villain
2018: The Punisher with JIGSAW as the main villain
2019: Deathlok with Fixer as the main villain
2019: Spider-Woman with Madame HYDRA as the main villain

This could make sense for a number of reasons. Fans have been clamoring for a Moon Knight series for a while now and with Netflix established for Marvel’s darker properties, they could finally have a place for it. Frank Castle is appearing on Season 2 of Daredevil, so by 2018, he’ll already be established. Deathlok has already appeared on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Spider-Woman is fair game and by 2019, Spider-Man will have already been established in the MCU, which would be why I could see them wanting to capitalize on a similar character for the female audience.

Blade has been thrown around as of late, and could end up being how Moon Knight is introduced into Marvel’s shared universe. I’m a little surprised that Blade or Ghost Rider weren’t announced as shows but I guess we’ll have wait and see what happens. I’d be expecting a name drop or some type of appearance in any of the shows.

Don’t expect this to be true yet untill Marvel actually confirms it.


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