Super7 Arctic Rescue (Blind Woodsman) Figure Set Review!

Story By Mitchell Smith
Welcome to The Outpost. Today I’m checking out the Super7 Reaction Arctic Rescue Vehicle set. This set features radioactive Snake Eyes, the Blind Woodsman, 6 sled dogs, and the sled. This is a nice looking sled and the harness attaches nicely to be able to set up this classic scene from the original cartoon episodes. This scene is a key part of the Snake Eyes character and story.
Not only did he save his comrades from radioactive exposure but he escaped a cave, survived the exposer himself, and met Timber. I tried tracking down some back story on the Woodsman but didn’t find much. This made me wonder was the Woodsman the original Blind Master. He found and saved Snake Eyes, a stranger he found in the wilderness and named Timber. So it is possible the Woodsman was following Snake Eyes all along. Either way I’m happy I picked this up a few years ago and I’m finally getting around to opening him up.
Years ago I made a miniature dog sled that came out nice, but I was never able to get the Woodsman customized. The closest figure I had to him was my 3-3/4 inch LOTR Gandalf. I was able to get some snow pics in as well so, it was well worth getting outside in the cold this morning. Overall this is a really solid set and I even snuck a 25th Snake Eyes in one of my pics. What do y’all think about this set? Does anyone have any back story on the Woodsman? Make sure to check back next week for the next discussion at The Outpost.