“Time Warp Alert: Hasbro Unleashes ‘Star Wars: The Phantom Menace’ Nostalgia Blast – ’70s Style Figures Revealed!”
Prepare for a blast from the past as Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace hits its 25th anniversary next year! Hasbro is set to transport fans back in time with an exclusive multi-pack featuring six iconic characters from the 1999 film. Gizmodo has an exclusive sneak peek at these ’70s-inspired Retro Collection figures. The set includes beloved characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala, Darth Maul, Jar Jar Binks, and a Battle Droid. This Retro Collection pays homage to the original Kenner Star Wars figures from the 1970s,…
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