Star Wars 

Star Wars: The Clone Wars ‘Darth Sidious’ Figure by Hot Toys!

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, Hot Toys is a releasing a new version of Darth Sidious inspired by his appearance in the show. Darth Sidious stands 11.5″ tall, with about 30 points of articulation. This offering includes a tailored fabric outfit, a head sculpt with moveable eyes, multiple interchangeable hands, two Lightsabers with interchangeable blades, two light up LED Lightsabers, force lightning effects, and a display stand. CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO PRE-ORDER YOURS. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Darth Sidious 1/6th Scale Collectible…

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The POP-EXPOSE ‘A Star Wars Life Lesson’ By Kal-EL!

Today’s article courtesy of Serpentorslair Founder Kal-El! Whether you are a religious person or not, if you are a fan of Star Wars, you know that there are many life lessons intertwined in the mythos. What can we learn from Star Wars that would help us be better people to each other in real life? Well we could start with the Jedi code of being ‘Selfless’. If we are truly selfless, then we do not spend our time trying to get what is best for ‘ME’ all the time. We…

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