
Bringing ARAH to Life: The Case for a Faithful Live Action GI Joe Movie

Story by Mitchell Smith Welcome to the Outpost. Today I’m talking live action G.I. Joe films. Specifically the characters and their uniforms. I really wanted to see a live action movie where the characters such as Shipwreck, Scarlett, and Doc look and act like the original ARAH cartoon series characters. I would also love to see live action Crimson Guards, Alley Vipers, and Iron Grenadiers, etc, etc! The Marvel movies have been a staple in cinema and television the past 20 + years because they took what people loved about…

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G.I.Joe IACON CITY - The Transformers Forum 

Buster Jones: The Voice Behind the Icons of 1980s Animation

Hello everybody. Today I’m taking a look at voice actor Buster Jones. Born in 1943 in Paris, Tennessee Jones grew up and went to Lane College in Jackson, TN. While attending school Jones was in a band and took a job as a disc jockey. He would work in DC and LA where he would take voice parts in commercials and eventually lead him into some of the greatest 1980’s characters. Jones would voice Black Vulcan on the popular Super Hero cartoon Super Friends. Along side other great voice actors…

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Serpentor's Lair [fts_instagram instagram_id=17841404303432442 access_token=IGQVJYREdMMjRKdHZAyWmJBNkRTbHVkS1pYMkZA2c0hrWWJCUWxqUC1Jam5vaDZAJX29XbmwyeE9QS0FzaG4xekktQkFVdGp3dU5MZAUpyUUR0emxUeXpWU25xSGlZAb0paTmZA0Ml9HVVR3 pics_count=6 type=basic super_gallery=yes columns=6 force_columns=no space_between_photos=1px icon_size=65px hide_date_likes_comments=no]