Get ‘The Skinny’ on ‘Edge of Tomorrow’!

I will admit that I was groaning a bit when I saw another Tom Cruise film was coming out. I was not wrong; but I was not right either. Major Cage, and Sgt Rita lead us on a wonderful voyage through the intricacies of time travel. Now you may be saying to yourself…eh this is just Groundhog Day.  It is, but it is written so well. It certainly kept me guessing, I had no sense of time while watching. It felt like any moment could be the final one. The movie ended several…

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New ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ Trailer is Here!

Tom Cruise has been making some really fantastic movies the past few years from Jack Reacher to Oblivian. His latest work, ‘Edge of Tomorrow‘ is no exception. Check out the all new trailer below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: screencrush) The latest ‘Edge of Tomorrow‘ trailer has arrived, and it gives us an extended look at the latest sci-fi action epic starring Tom Cruise doing what Tom Cruise does best: playing a soldier who fights enigmatic aliens — but this time he’s got one seriously badass mech suit, and Emily Blunt…

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