
Reliving the Nostalgia: A Dive into GI Joe Episode 1 “The Cobra Strikes”

Story by Mitchell Smith Welcome to The Outpost. Today Iā€™m taking a look at GI Joe episode 1 ā€œThe Cobra Strikesā€, originally airing on September 12, 1983. I canā€™t remember as an 8 year old if I caught that first episode or not. One thing is for sure it didnā€™t take long for me to be excited to get out of school and take that hour bus ride home to watch Scooby Doo and GI Joe right after. I just rewatched episode 1 and right from the get go there…

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Remembering Clarence Gilyard!

Hello everyone. This week Iā€™m taking a look back at the life of Clarence Gilyard Jr. Born Dec 24, 1955 in Moses Lake, WA. Gilyard Sr was an Air Force Officer, so they moved around some while he was growing up, but he ended up in Long Beach, CA as a young adult and ended up getting his masters in fine arts from SMU in 2003, but already had a long list of tv and movies he had been in. Gilyard started acting on tv in the early eighties. He…

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THE POP EXPOSE – Top Gun Maverick!

Hello everyone, this week Iā€™m taking a look at Top Gun: Maverick. Growing up in the eighties the original Top Gun was an awesome movie. Those who grew up watching G.I. Joe had a strong pull toward the movie do to the F-14 Tomcat that the Skystriker was based on. The original was done so well with a beautiful mesh of drama and action. My brothers and I used to play Top Gun on our Big Bear ATVs. We used to chase each other around and pretend to blow each…

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The Breaking News Report 


Time to fly into the danger zone with the all new trailer for Top Gun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise! This film is bringing back all of the awesome from the 80ā€™s classic and is sure to have fans flocking to the theater. Check out the new spot below and share your thoughts. Top Gun: Maverick hits theaters May 27th! After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navyā€™s top aviators, Pete ā€œMaverickā€ Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in…

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IACON CITY - The Transformers Forum 

Hasbro Pulse Announces Transformer ‘Top Gun’ Crossover Toy!

If you were stoked about the upcoming Top Gun movie, and you love Transformers, you are going to love this new F-14 Tomcat crossover toy that Hasbro Pulse has just made available for pre-order. G.I.Joe fans may notice that it is also pretty much an exact replica of the 25th Anniversary Skystriker! Check out the photos and pre-order link below then MAKE THE JUMP to the forums and join in the conversation! PRE-ORDER BY CLICKING HERE!

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The Breaking News Report 

Top Gun: Maverick (2020) ā€“ New Trailer Hits!

Time to fly into the danger zone with the all new trailer for Top Gun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise! This film is bringing back all of the awesome from the 80’s classic and is sure to have fans flocking to the theater. Check out the new spot below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Top Gun: Maverick hits theaters June 26th 2020. After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navyā€™s top aviators, Pete ā€œMaverickā€ Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and…

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SDCC 2019 

Top Gun: Maverick First Trailer Drops!

In what had to be a massive surprise to fansĀ Tom CruiseĀ took the stage atĀ SDCCĀ yesterday to announce the first trailer for the long awaitedĀ Top GunĀ sequel, ‘Top Gun: Maverick‘! Check out what he had to say and the trailer below and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMP! Top Gun: Maverick hits theaters in 2020. Tom Cruise ā€œ34 years ago, I made a movie in San Diego and shot across the street in a restaurant. I was always asked ā€˜When are you going to do another one?ā€™ Well, youā€™ve been…

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‘Top Gun 2’ is a go and Tom Cruise is Returning?

It is official, Top Gun 2, the upcoming sequel to one of the 80’s most popular films is a go. But is Tom Cruise going to be on board to play ‘Maverick‘ again? Check out the latest below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: Hollywoodlife.com) Yes, itā€™s happening ā€” ā€˜Top Gun 2ā€² has been confirmed 30 years after the original film was released in 1986. But, will itā€™s star, Tom Cruise, return, too? Tom Cruise, 52, has always loved making a great action flick, and it all stems…

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Top Gun 2 is Go, time to Fly into The Danger Zone!

The sequel to one of the 1980’s most iconic and ground breaking movies ‘Top Gun‘ is officially a go. And it looks like ScreenwriterĀ Justin Marks, is now on board for the film as well. Check out more details on this below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: cinemablend) Even the tragic early death of director Tony Scott can’t slow down the progress of Top Gun 2 – a sequel to the massively successful 1980 drama – and today comes news that the movie is taking another big step…

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