Transformers Generations Platinum Edition Combiner Wars Liokaiser (40%) OFF TODAY ONLY!

Transformers Generations Platinum Liokaiser – EE Exclusive 40% OFF TODAY ONLY – CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOURS! Price: $129.99 Daily Deal: $78.00 You save $51.99 (40%)   An Entertainment Earth Exclusive! Boxed set includes 6 Decepticons who merge to declare victory over the Autobots as the mighty Liokaiser! Tanks, jets, and space shuttle form robots and dinobird as the most awesome Generation One-era toys from Japan you never knew you missed! Platinum Edition set features an awesome box, poster, and trading card. An Entertainment Earth Exclusive! Behold the mighty Liokaiser! The Destrons are a…

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Hasbro Announces 2 More Transformers Prime Wars Series!

If you loved the old school stylings of the Transformers: Combiner Wars series recently released by Hasbro and Machinima, we have some great news. It was such a success that they have decided to release two more series! The two new series will be titled, ‘Titans Return‘ and ‘Power of The Primes‘. Checkout the details below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Following the conclusion of Transformers: Combiner Wars, Machinima and Hasbro, Inc. have announced today that they will join forces to develop Titans Return and Power of the…

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Transformers Combiner Wars Generation 2 Menasor Stunticons Boxed Set – Free Shipping

Transformers Combiner Wars G2 Menasor Stunticons Boxed Set ORDER HERE! Add six Decepticons to the Combiner Wars! All six figures merge to form Menasor – now in 1990s Generation 2 colors! Mix and match with your other favorite Combiner Wars toys, sold separately. Based on the legendary unreleased prototype team from 1994! Bring home the original team to build G2 Menasor, based on the legendary unreleased robots in disguise form the 1990s! Motormaster, Brake-Neck, Brakedown, Drag Strip, and Dead End merge with their new team member Blackjack to form G2…

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New Machinima’s Combiner Wars Clip Shown at Cybertron Con!

We have an all new clip to share with you today for the upcoming animated series, ‘Transformers Combiner Wars‘. This latest clip was shared at this week’s, ‘Cybertron Con‘, and it is sure to get you even more excited for this new series to kick off. Check it out in the player below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP. Machinima’s Combiner Wars series debut’s Tuesday, August 2nd. If video below is not playing for you, try this link.  

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Transformers: Combiner Wars Full Trailer Reveal!

Great news folks, today at SDCC, Hasbro and Machinima have released the full trailer for their upcoming Transformers: Combiner Wars animated series. This is the one folks, the series adult fans have been waiting for. So check out the trailer in the player below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! Taking place 40 years after the great war on Earth, the eight episode digital series introduces new lore and all-new characters that, combined with the characters fans have known for decades, will bring the Transformers storytelling in a new…

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Transformers: Combiner Wars First Episode is Up NOW!

It is finally here, the preview episode of the new animated series, ‘Transformers: Combiner Wars‘! Finally Hasbro has listened to fans and created a Transformers Animated Series specifically for adults. Check out the first episode below, and feel free to let us know if it meets with your approval AFTER THE JUMP! In anticipation of the upcoming Transformers: Combiner Wars, Machinima presents the motion comic ‘Prelude to Transformers: Combiner Wars – Optimus Prime’ which tells of the coming of the Combiner Wars, as told by the former leader of the…

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New Transformers ‘Combiner Wars’ TV Series Preview!

It is finally here folks, an all new Transformers Animated Series based in the G1 Universe with G1 style art. Today we have a look inside the series that will having a preview on 28th on youtube with the full series to follow on social entertainment platform go90 on August 2nd. Check out the images and details below, and let us know if you are excited for this new series and if you will be watching AFTER THE JUMP! Davis and Gutstein announced that a prelude series to Transformers: Combiner…

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Combiner Wars Computron – First In-Hand Images!

For those of us who are still collecting the Classic style Transformers Combiner Wars figures, today we have the first ‘in hand’ images of the upcomingTransformers Combiner Wars ‘Computron’ figure. Not only is this figure great in its combiner mode, but the individual figures that make it up are great as well. Check out the images and details below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! Weibo user Starscream has posted the first in-hand images of Hasbro’s version of Computron! The Combiner Wars edition, expected out in a boxset later…

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Transformers Combiner Wars G2 ‘Menasor’ in hand Images!

If you loved last years Transformers Combiner Wars ‘Menasor’ figure, get ready for the G2 style repaint! Today we have some great in hand images ofTransformers Combiner Wars G2 Menasor to share with you. Check out the figure below, and let us know your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! An eBayer by the name of Herbiecide has posted auctions and images for the impending G2 Menasor! All five figures are looking pretty nice in their super-bright Generation Two paintjobs and insignia. We don’t have a specific release date on the G2…

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Serpentorslair’s Top 15 Toys of 2015!

As we finish out another year today, we would like to take a look back at the toys that brought us a lot of joy in 2015! We have accumulated a list of our favorite 15 toys released this year and ranked them in the order of ranking that we thought they deserved. So check out Serpentorslair’s Top 15 Toys of 2015 Below, and be sure and let us know if your favorites made the list and if you agree with our rankings! #15 – The G.I.Joe Silent Strike Pack…

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Transformers Combiner Wars G2 Menasor and Superion Coming!

Some interesting news has emerged, it looks like Hasbro may be releasing Transformers Combiner Wars ‘Superion’ and ‘Menasor‘ in G2 Color deco’s. Check out the details on this below, and let us know your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: TFW2005 user Novabeam10 has posted a set of SKUs and prices found in the computers of a Canadian ToysRUs! We have (Canadian) prices for Fan-Built Combiner Victorion, plus the G2 Superion and Menasor boxset! There’s also something listed as the “Planet of Junk” Platinum Edition set – it’ll be interesting…

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Transformers Combiner Wars ‘Skylynx’ Photo Gallery!

Today we have a full gallery of images for you of the brand new Transformers Combiner Wars ‘Skylynx’ figure. For fans of the original versions of theTransformers, you are going to really enjoy this new release of ‘Skylynx‘ which pays homage to the original but with amped up articulation. Check out the photos below, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! (Source:

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Combiner Wars Combaticons Onslaught & Brawl Images!

Today we have some really nice prototype images of the new Transformers Combiner Wars ‘Onslaught’ and ‘Brawl‘ figures. You will definitely want to check these out, as they really do justice to the G1 versions of these characters. Let us know what you think after the JUMP! (Source: Coming to us via TFW2005: Weibo, everyone’s favorite destination for Transformers that “fell off a truck(ahem),” has produced new images of prototypes for upcoming Combiner Wars Combaticons Brawl and Onslaught! Deluxe Brawl, as an uncolored hardcopy, looks pretty nice, and has…

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