
G.I. Joe Sigma6 Sky B.A.T. Review – A Unique Cobra Weapon

Story by Mitchell Smith

Welcome to The Outpost. Today I’m checking out the 2006 G.I. Joe Sigma6 Sky B.A.T. This is one I recently discovered and looks really cool. The B.A.T. was designed originally as a futuristic robot to battle GI Joe without having to recruit and train humans. B.A.T.s have always had their flaws, but undoubtedly one of the most unique in the Cobra ranks. The Sigma6 Sky B.A.T. is really cool and adds an extra point of attack for Cobra.

I love the overall design of this figure and really is one of the coolest Sigma6 figures. This would look great in a 3-3/4 and Classified version. I wonder at what point Hasbro will tap into the Sigma6 line to produce some of the original characters from that line? Who had the Sky B.A.T. when it first came out? Make sure to check back next week for the next discussion at The Outpost.


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