
“Reviving Nostalgia: The Forgotten Gem of 1993 – Hasbro’s Cobra Detonator, a Beastly Ride with Epic Play Value!”

Story by Mitchell Smith Welcome to the Outpost. Today Iā€™m taking a look at a G.I. Joe vehicle that is under appreciated in my opinion. In 1993 Hasbro was still making some cool vehicles. At this point there had been a wide range of small, medium, and large vehicles in the Joe franchise, some of which were awesome and down right EPIC and some that werenā€™t as glorious. The Detonator is a large Cobra vehicle that I never hear anything about. This is a cool unique Cobra Vehicle that was…

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Welcome to the Outpost. Today Iā€™m taking a look at a G.I.Joe vehicle that is under appreciated in my opinion. The 1993 Mudbuster is a vehicle I never hear anything on. This is actually a really cool truck. The Vamp and Awe Striker are 2 molds that have been used time and time again and I think the Mudbuster mold would be really cool in olive green, Tiger Force, or Night Force colors. Even without the roll bars, guns, and the cow catcher on the front this makes a nice…

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