Wonder Woman 

DC Multiverse Shazam Movie Wonder Woman PRE-ORDERS LIVE!

Based on her cameo in the new SHAZAM movie, McFarlane toys has released a new Wonder Woman figure in the DC Multiverse lineup. She will feature her DC Movie universe look with an all new head sculpt. You can PRE-ORDER YOURS BY CLICKING HERE! Wonder Woman (Shazam! Fury of the Gods) From Amazon princess to the worldā€™s greatest warrior, Wonder Woman is at the height of her power but living a quiet life as Smithsonian curator Diana Prince. Her compassion for mankind is strong despite manā€™s flaws. But now she must again draw on her…

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DC Multiverse Batman 2023 Wave Pre-Orders Live!

A new wave of DC Multiverse figures are available now for pre-order and there are some great offerings in this wave. If you love Batman you won’t want to miss out on, Batman (Hush), Catwoman (Knightfall), Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries), and The Joker (Infinite Frontier). Check out the pre-order links and photos below and let us know know which you plan on picking up in the comments! Batman (Hush) CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER As a child, Bruce Wayne watched as his parents were brutally killed in Gotham Cityā€™s Crime Alley. Traumatized by their deaths, he devoted his life to becoming…

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DC Toys 

DC Multiverse ā€“ January 2021 Assortment!

McFarlane Toys is knocking it out of the park with their new DC Multiverse Figures. Today we have some exciting new reveals for offerings coming to the line in January 2021! Check out the character listings and photos below and let us know if you are excited to pick these up when they hit AFTER THE JUMP! Dark Nights Metal ā€“ The DrownedDamian Wayne ā€“ RobinRed Son SupermanDark Nights Death Metal ā€“ Batman DC Multiverse ā€“ January 2021 Assortment!

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DC Toys 

McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Official Images!

If you were wondering what the new DC Multiverse figures were going to look like now that McFarlane has taken over the DC license from Mattel, the wait is over. Today we have official images of some of the new offerings, and they look outstanding. Check out the photos and all the details below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! Quick List of Wave 1 Items: Batman: Detective Comics #1000Batman: Detective Comics #1000 Variant ChaseSuperman: Action Comics #1000Batgirl: Art of the CrimeNightwing: Better Than BatmanThe Batman Who LaughsBatman: Batman the Animated SeriesSuperman: Superman the Animated…

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THE POP EXPOSE ‘6″ Marvel and DC Figures’ by Mitchell Smith!

The 6 inch figures seem to be dominating the Marvel and DC franchises lately. Most are retailing around $20.00, but if you hold off long enough you might be able to find some good grabs in the $5.00-$9.00 range. These figures are really cool and a lot of the figures have been in a build a figure pack, which has been a great pull if you can get all the pieces to build the extra figure.  I was able to find a couple nice figures on clearance such as Black Panther, Star Lord and Rocket…

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DC Comics Multiverse Justice League Mera Figure New PICS!

The DC Comics Multiverse ā€“ Justice League Mera has been made available for Pre-Orders on Amazon.com. Along with that we get to see some new official images of the figure, and it definitely does not disappoint. Mera will include interchangeable hands featuring water effects. The figure is priced at $19.99 Check out the photos below and let us know if you will be picking one up AFTER THE JUMP! This item will be released on November 15, 2017.  Pre-order now. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. Gift-wrap available. ā€‹dc super heroes and dc super-villains battle…

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Photos and Pre-Orders for Mattel Justice League DC Multiverse Figures!

  Serpentorslair Sponsor Entertainment Earth has opened up pre-orders for the upcoming Justice League Movie Multiverse figures. Also we have a gallery of official images for the offerings so you can check them out for yourself. The set includes Collect-N-Connect piece to form the villain Steppenwolf. CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER YOURS! From the popular DC movie Justice League, comes this Justice League Movie Multiverse 6-inch Action Figure Case. The Justice League Movie Multiverse features 8 favorite DC universe super heroes! DC Heroes will be ready to strike with this bold, bright, kid-friendly and collector assortment. Each 6-inch…

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Unboxing Mattel’s 6″ DC Comics Multiverse Damien Wayne Robin!

The Ultimate Toy Collector is back with another stellar action figure review. Today we get a detailed look at Mattel’s new 6″ DC Comics Multiverse ‘Damien Wayne’ Robin figure. This figure is part of the ‘King Shark’ build-a-figure wave. Check out the review in the player below and sound off with your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP!

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Mattel Unveils Justice League Multiverse Line!

If you were worried there would not be any ‘Justice League‘ action figures with lots of articulation to go along with the upcoming ‘Justice League‘ movie, worry no more. Mattel has unveiled an epic new DC Multiverse ‘Justice League’ line with all of your favorite characters from the movie. Included are Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. In addition Mattel has released promo video’s to give you an early look at the figures. Check those out in the player below and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP.  

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DC Multiverse Zoom figure review with King Shark BAF!

If you are a fan of The Flash TV series you probably have enjoyed the new DC Multiverse figures based on the characters from the show. In the latest wave we have last season’s main villain ‘Zoom‘, which contains part of the epic new ‘King Sharc‘ Build A Figure. Today we have a review for you of the ‘Zoom‘ figure. You can check it out in the player below and let us know if you are going to be heading out to get one for yourself AFTER THE JUMP!  …

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Mattel DC Multiverse Wonder Woman Movie Figures Revealed!

Today we have our first look at the upcoming Wonder Woman Movie DC Multiverse 6ā€³ Scale Figures! If you were wondering what the new Wonder Woman movie figures would look like, check out the image below. The picture includes Wonder Woman and Chris Pine as ‘Steve Trevor‘. Join in the conversation AFTER THE JUMP! Image courtesy of @ablouzada

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Unboxing Mattel’s 6″ DC Multiverse Superman Doomed!

In the most recent DC Multiverse wave there are a plethora of great characters. Today we have a video review for you of the new Doomed ‘Superman’. If you love Doomsday and Superman, you are going to enjoy this figure. Check out the review in the player below and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMP. Thanks to SerpentorslairĀ staffer UltimateToyCollector for the review.  

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Unboxing Mattel’s DC Comics 6′ Multiverse: End Game Joker!

Today we are taking a look at Batman’s main nemesis, ‘Joker‘. We have a full review for you for Mattel’s DC Comics 6′ Multiverse: End Game Joker! This is one of the most menacing Joker figures to hit in a while, and if you like your Joker angry, this one is definitely for you! Check out the full gallery of images as well as the video review below, and let us know your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! Thanks to Serpentorslair Contributor UltimateToyCollector for the review!

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Look at The Next Wave of Mattelā€™s DC Multiverse Figures!

Thanks to Entertainment Earth we have an early look at the next wave of DC Comics Multiverse Figures. These are some of the nicest DC related figures to come down the pipe in a while. Check out the images on them below and let us know what you think AFTER THE JUMP! (Source: actionfigureinsider) Back in November we broke the news of a potential 1966 Batman in Mattelā€™s DC Multiverse 4ā€³ line. At that time we were able to get confirmation from the Mattel retail side that something was comingā€¦…

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DC Multiverse Figures Hit Retail!

If you are ready to start the hunt, you will find that the newĀ DC MultiverseĀ figures are hitting retail and have been spotted. For more details on this check out the news below and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: toyark) Forum member Jlogano20 spotted the DC Multiverse Figures at a Target in New York. Spotted were the following: ā€¢ Batman: Arkham City Batman ā€¢ Batman: Arkham City Azreal ā€¢ Batman: Arkham City Mr. Freeze ā€¢ Batman: Arkham Origins Bane

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